Popular Double Majors


Transferrable skills:

  • Clear, precise communication 
  • Attention to detail
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to deliver memorable presentations 
  • Ability to write strong, effective copy
  • Ability to write pursuasively 
  • Ability to think critically, analytically, and strategically

Women's and Gender Studies

Transferrable skills: 

  • Well-developed sense of empathy for experiences outside your own
  • Ability to read and listen closely
  • Familiarity with texts written by historically marginalized people 
  • Ability approach new material with a critical lense
  • Appreciation for the use of accurate terms and vocabulary


Transferrable skills: 

  • Ability to consider new ideas from multiple angles
  • Ability to think strategically and reflectively
  • Strong communication and writing skills
  • Research skills
  • Ability to draw connections between multiple disciplines 
  • Collaboration skills


Transferrable skills:

  • Strong writing and editing skills
  • Ability to create consise and effective content
  • Ability to write pursuasively 
  • Able to approach your own writing with a critical eye
  • Strong imagination and creativity 
  • Value of language that allows you to understand the impact your words have on others