Gillian Silverman

Gillian Silverman
Professor • Graduate Director

Mailing Address:
Department of English
Campus Box 175 
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Office Location:
1051 9th St. Park Room 104
Denver, CO 80217

Office Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 2:00-3:00pm

About Dr. Gillian Silverman:

Gillian Silverman is Professor of English and affiliate faculty in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at the University of Colorado Denver.  She is also a President’s Teaching Scholar.  She teaches courses in American literature and film; critical theory; and gender studies.  Her latest book (co-written with Sarah Hagelin) is The New Female Antihero: The Disruptive Women of Twenty-First-Century US Television  (University of Chicago Press). 

Selected Publications:

The New Female Antihero: The Disruptive Women of Twenty-First-Century US Television (University of Chicago Press)
Bodies and Books: Reading and the Fantasy of Communion in Nineteenth-Century America (University of Pennsylvania Press)
“Reading in the Flesh: Anthropodermic Bibliopegy and the Haptic Response” (Book History)
“Neurodiversity and the Revision of Book History” (PMLA: Publication of the Modern Language Association)
“Shame TV: Antiaspirationalism in HBO’s Girls” (Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society)
“The Female Antihero and Police Power in FX's Justified” (Feminist Media Studies)
“‘The Best Circus in Town’: Embodied Theatrics in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates” American Literary History)
“‘The Polishing Attrition’: Reading, Writing, and Renunciation in the Work of Susan Warner” (Studies in American Fiction)
“Sympathy and Its Vicissitudes.” (American Studies)
“Textual Sentimentalism: Incest and Authorship in Melville’s Pierre” (American Literature
Chapters in Anthologies
“Bibliographic Traces: The Material Book and the Quest for Intimacy in Spike Jonze’s Her” in Imagining We in the Age of I (Routledge)
“Touch” in Future Reading (Oxford University Press)
“The Best Circus in Town” in Lincoln’s Selected Writings (Norton Critical Edition)

Areas of Expertise:

American literature and culture, History of the Book/History of Reading, Television Studies, Women's and Gender Studies

Courses Taught:

ENGL 1600: Telling Tales: Narrative in Literature and Film

UNHL 2755: First Year Honors and Leadership Seminar

ENGL 2600: Great Works in British and American Literature

ENGL 3001: Critical Writing

ENGL 3700: American Literature from the Colonial Period to the Civil War

ENGL/WGST 4306/5306: Survey of Feminist Thought

ENGL/WGST 4308/5308: Contemporary Feminist Thought

ENGL 4230/5230: The American Novel

ENGL 4999: Senior Seminar: Literature and the Law

ENGL 5100: Literary Research and Writing

ENGL 5145: Literary and Rhetorical Theory

ENGL 5650: Graduate survey of American Literature to the Civil War

ENGL 6001: Critical Theory in Literature and Film

ENGL 6016: Major Authors: The American Sentimental Tradition