Course Information

Course schedule

You should talk to your advisor and/or the Director of Graduate Studies each semester about the courses you plan to take. Consult the degree requirements to make sure you're on track. If completing a required course presents a problem with your graduation schedule, please contact the graduate advisor so that you can discuss an appropriate substitution.

Our required courses are offered on a rotating basis following this general schedule:

ENGL 5100 – Intro to Grad Studies (every fall)
ENGL 5135 – Linguistics & Global English (spring of odd years)
ENGL 5155 – Genres of Writing (fall of odd years)
ENGL 5145 – Theory (spring of even years)
ENGL 5165 – Technologies of Writing (fall of even years)

Below is a sample schedule for completing the MA program’s 30 credits (10 courses) in 2 years. Students do regularly spend more time at any stage by taking fewer credits per semester. Many of our students work full time and complete the program on a part-time basis.

Year 1

Fall (6 credits)
ENGL 5100 – Introduction to Graduate Studies (required course)
ENGL 5165 – Technologies of Writing (required course)

Spring (6 credits)
ENGL 5135  – Linguistics & Global English (required course)
1 ENGL elective: a split/level course (4000/5000); take at 5000 level

Summer (3 credits)
1 ENGL elective: a split/level course (4000/5000); take at 5000 level

Year 2
Fall (9 credits)
ENGL 5155 – Genres of Writing (required course)
2 ENGL electives: a split/level course (4000/5000); take at 5000 level

Spring (6 credits)
ENGL 5145 – Literary and Rhetorical Theory (required course)
ENGL 6970 – Portfolio Exam

Recent Seminars
ENGL 5001 - Special Topics
ENGL 5002 - Special Topics
ENGL 5003 - Special Topics
ENGL 5004 - Special Topics
ENGL 5093 - Teaching of Writing
ENGL 5100 - Intro to Graduate Studies
ENGL 5135 - English Language Theory
ENGL 5140 - Special Topics with NWP
ENGL 5145 - Theory
ENGL 5155 - Genres of Writing
ENGL 5160 - Poetics
ENGL 5166 - History of American Poetry
ENGL 5171 - Language Theory
ENGL 5175 - Writing in the Sciences
ENGL 5190 - Advanced Topics in Writing, Rhetoric, & Linguistics
ENGL 5200 - Survey English Novel to 1900
ENGL 5220 - African-American Literature
ENGL 5230 - The American Novel
ENGL 5236 - The American Short Story
ENGL 5250 - Twentieth Century Fiction
ENGL 5280 - Proposal and Grant Writing
ENGL 5308 - Contemporary Feminist Thought
ENGL 5420 - Film Theory and Criticism
ENGL 5460 - Contemporary World Literature
ENGL 5510 - Whores-Saints: Medieval Women
ENGL 5520 - English Renaissance
ENGL 5560 - English Romanticism
ENGL 5601 - Teaching English Language Learners: Theory and Practice
ENGL 5610 - Narrative: Form and Theory
ENGL 5651 - Second Language Writing
ENGL 5770 - Topics in English: Film-Lit.
ENGL 5840 - Independent Study
ENGL 5880 - Directed Research
ENGL 5913 - Practicum in Language and Rhetoric
ENGL 5939 - Internship