A Unique Professional Development Opportunity for Teachers
Now Accepting Applications for the 2025 Summer Institute!
Click Here for Application Instructions
Institute Dates and Location:
April 1st - Application Deadline
April 7th - Introductory Meeting, 5-6:30pm, Zoom
June 10th - First Session, Guest Writer Presentation by Nicole Piasecki “Writing with Images” 9am-12pm, Auraria Campus*
June 11th – Second Session, Guest Writer Presentation by Julie Vick "Humor Writing" 9am – 12 pm, Auraria Campus
June 12th – Third Session, Guest Writer Presentation TBA 9am – 12pm, Auraria Campus
June 17th – Fourth Session, Guest Teacher Presentation by Sarah Woodard and Kristina Stamatis TBD 9am – 12pm, Auraria Campus
June 18th – Fifth Session, Guest Teacher Presentation by Molly Robbins “Sustainable Teaching” 9am – 12pm, Auraria Campus
June 20th – Sixth Session; Sharing of Best Practices, Takeaways, and Writings-in-Progress, Book Talks 9am - 12pm, Auraria Campus
July 3rd – Writing Deliverables Due (See Application Instructions above for more information)
*Parking Fees on Auraria Campus will be covered by the Denver Writing Project
Spend time this summer nourishing your writing, working with local authors, connecting with other educators, and taking care of your teacher self.
For 6 mornings in June, you and roughly 10 other educators will gather on the beautiful CU Denver at Auraria Campus to participate in workshops with local authors and educators, work on your own self-designed writing projects, and be in community with other educators so that you can share and learn best practices for teaching writing from one another.
Regular activities include interaction with guest presenters who are published authors and educators, sharing of teaching best practices (by teacher participants), discussion of common texts, and time to focus on your own writing.
As a member of this exciting and imaginative program, you can earn 3 English, Graduate Credits from the University of Colorado Denver. (The cost of credit is based on the CU Denver Graduate Tuition Schedule for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.)
We pay participants who enroll for graduate credit a $600 stipend to offset tuition and application fees.
We hope to receive applications from teachers who specialize in varying content areas, who teach a variety of grade levels (K through college), and who define themselves as life-long learners.
Benefits: Community. Time to Write, Reflect, and Restore. Free Parking on Session Days. Coffee. Food. Book. T-Shirt. 3 English, Graduate Credit Hours. $600 Tuition Stipend.
Please contact kyle.crawford@ucdenver.edu with questions.