CLAS Dissemination Grants support faculty to engage in activities that promote their research and creative work and enhance the profile of the College and University. This award supports travel to disseminate research findings and creative work or assist with publication expenses. Applications are due on March 11, 2022. See the CRISP website for more information and application form.
The call for proposals for the Spring CLAS Research Innovation Seed Program (CRISP) is out. CRISP funds provide seed money to fund innovative new studies used in grant proposals and to facilitate research and creative activities that could not be completed successfully with currently available resources. Applications are due on March 11, 2022. See the ORCA website for more information and application form.
CLAS Council on Diversity and Inclusion DIIF Grants support projects that encourage people to think about diversity, equity, and inclusion in meaningful ways and to make positive changes in CLAS and the broader campus. Examples of projects related to diversity and inclusion goals that the DIIF will support include but are not limited to
- Hosting speakers, symposia, and conferences
- Developing and providing workshops on best practices and pedagogies
- Showcasing diversity, equity, and inclusion work
- Improving policies and procedures within the college
Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to apply for rolling grants (of up to $500) or a deadline grant of up to $2500. The deadline for the $2500 grant for spring is Friday, March 11, 2022.