Assistant Professor of Health and Behavioral Sciences Ivan Ramirez recently published “Deconstructing the spatial effects of El Niño and vulnerability on cholera rates in Peru: Wavelet and GIS Analyses” in Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. This retrospective research yields new insights about epidemic cholera during the 1990s in Latin America, which first emerged in Peru, and was linked to the air-sea phenomenon, El Nino. Overall, the research is important for understanding climate change impacts on disease, which can vary across time (stronger to weaker connections), due to varying levels of climate extremes and hazards, and social vulnerability that varies across populations and places. The publication was coauthored with Jieun Lee from University of Northern Colorado.
The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 1, 2025.
Faculty and staff may retrieve items and use copy machines in preparation for finals week with Campus ID badges through the door on the Southwest side across from King Center. Additionally, the Auraria Health Center (link: is continuing to operate at a reduced capacity.