Safe Return to Campus
I’m sure many of you feel, like I do, that this summer has been surreal. Between headlines in the news and the tragic occurrences which have touched many in our community personally, March kicked off a season like no other we have experienced in our professional lives. Sometimes it feels like the fall semester is a distant reality, but 25 days from today classes will start for our students. The hours of work that have gone into making our campus a safe, welcoming, and accessible place continue; and I want to focus gratitude on everyone’s contributions.
First, thank you to the associate deans, faculty, and staff who have been working so diligently with the Campus Safe Return Team representing CLAS. The Safe Return campus webpage is going to be a key resource for all of us over the coming weeks as the public health situation continues to evolve and information for all of us is updated there. Please take a moment now to bookmark it.
Second, to all the faculty and staff who are working so diligently to make sure that our students are going to have the best possible options for their education this fall – I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you also to everyone who has been working hard to submit a safe return plan (page 3) for their unit. For everyone who will be returning to on-campus work, I want to assure you that every safety precaution will be taken to guarantee your health and wellbeing.
Finally, thank you to all the faculty and staff who have made possible the fantastic COVID-19: Colorado and Beyond summer course. If you haven’t had the opportunity to learn along with our community yet I encourage you to join the last two sessions:
Monday, July 27: The Mathematics and Statistics of COVID-19
Audrey Hendricks, PhD, Weldon Lodwick, PhD, Masoud Asadi-Zeydabadi, PhD, and Francis Newman, MS, DABR
Monday, August 3: In This Together: Herd Immunity, Vaccines, and Individual Choices
Jennifer Reich, PhD
As the health crisis that closed down our campus continues, and the fight for social justice reignited by this summer’s events gains momentum, I hope everyone continues to take care of themselves and each other. I feel great pride in how our college is responding to our challenging times, and I know that in both remote settings and socially distanced classrooms our students are going to be getting a world-class education. I thank you all for that.