Diane Fritz, Geospatial Data Scientist at the Auraria Library and instructor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, has worked for many years with Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications (FOSS4G) applied to diverse physical and human geography topics. She has been on the OSM US advisory board since 2021, helping guide this chapter of the global OSM Foundation (OSMF). Fritz was recently re-elected and appointed President of the Board. She'll be serving a two-year term during which she'll be assisting with many OSM projects in the US and around the world. Fritz has been deeply involved since 2017 with the OpenStreetMap (OSM; a widely used FOSS4G) community, in particular with the group working on trails (see Trails Stewardship Initiative). This work has been recently featured in the USGS National Digital Trails post. Fritz also contributes to TeachOSM, a charter project of OSM US that develops educational materials. Be sure to contact her in the Auraria Library for your geospatial data and analysis needs.