Judges needed for CU Denver Virtual Summer Research Symposium, July 26 – 29

Published: July 21, 2021

Throughout the summer, undergraduates engaged in research and creative projects across CU Denver through programs like EUReCA! FellowsMcNair ScholarsMARC U-STAR, and more. The Virtual Summer Research Symposium is their opportunity to present these projects to the CU Denver community and receive feedback about their work. Taking place in two parts, with both live and asynchronous components, judges are needed to review asynchronous project materials at their leisure from July 26th-29th, as well as volunteers to moderate 'live' (via Zoom) student panel presentations the morning of July 26th (10 am-noon, 1-hr sessions). Visit the Summer Symposium website for more information and to volunteer as a judge or moderator. You will be prompted to create a Symposium account before you are able to access the judge registration form.

Please reach out to undergrad.research@ucdenver.edu with any questions.