The Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department is proud to announce new funding from NSF for Michael Jacobson (Principal Investigator), Gary Olson (Co-Principal Investigator), Michael Ferrara (Co-Principal Investigator) and RaKissa Manzanares (Co-Principal Investigator) for the project Collaborative Research: Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics through Graduate Teaching Assistant Training. This project will be run jointly through the University of Colorado Denver, Auburn University, and the University of Memphis, and aims to improve the completion of undergraduate mathematics courses by enhancing the instructional preparation of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in the Mathematical Sciences. Providing an effective model of GTA training that encompasses a wide variety of evidence-based approaches has the potential to improve GTA classroom practices (which in turn may increase undergraduate learning in the classes the GTAs teach) this project will investigate this possibility by examining how improvements to GTA training affect undergraduate student learning, particularly in lower-division undergraduate mathematics courses that are often required for STEM majors.