Are you wondering what to do this SUMMER? Why not get ahead with Anthropology courses!
ANTH 4090/5090-M01 IN-PERSON (Mondays through Thursdays 8:30AM - 12:20PM--MAYMESTER) Psychedelic Anthropology discusses Psychotropic drugs, both legal and illicit, are a predominant part of our everyday lives. This course examines their use and meaning within cultures of health and wellness, and the plant medicine, spiritual, social, political and economic issues that surround their production, use and misuse. Course activities focus on ethnographic research strategies and arts-based approaches to public scholarship. Prereq: Junior standing or higher. Cross-listed with ANTH 5090 and PBHL 4090. Max hours: 3 Credits.
ANTH 1302-E01 ONLINE Introduction to Archaeology introduces the study of past cultures and their environments. Emphasis is on the scientific method, aspects of research design and analytical techniques used by archaeologists to determine chronology, taphonomy, source production areas, exchange networks, and human-environment interactions. Note: Three hours of lecture and a two-hour lab each week. Term offered: fall, summer. Max hours: 4 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-SS3 Class AttributesDen Core Curr: Behavioral Sciences GT-SS3 -Soc & Behav Sci:Hmn Behav, Cult, Soc Frame. A University Behavioral Sciences Core!
ANTH 1303-001 IN-PERSON (Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30AM - 1:00PM) or ONLINE Introduction to Biological Anthropology introduces the study of human biological evolution, both processes and outcomes, from primate ancestors to fossil hominids to contemporary human populations. Methods of obtaining and interpreting data concerning the genetic, biological and evolutionary basis of physical variation in living and skeletal populations. Note: 3 hours of lecture and a 2 hour lab each week. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 4 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-SC1 A University Natural/Physical Sciences core!
ANTH 2102-E01 ONLINE Culture and the Human Experience is an application of the concept of culture to several aspects of the human experience, including gender relations, emotion and personality, cognition, language, health and healing and economic behavior. In exploring these dimensions of the human experience, the course focuses on selected cultures from each of the world's major geographic areas. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-SS3 A University Natural/Physical Sciences core!
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