The Ethnic Studies department is hiring a new faculty member in Native American/Indigenous Studies, and finalists will be on campus during the first two weeks of March. The department cordially invites you to the following talks and welcomes your feedback.
- "How to Get Away with Murder: A Transnational History of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Two Spirits, and Girls," Tuesday, March 4, 4:00-5:00 PM, North 1005, Dr. Liza Black.
In this talk, Liza Black focuses on six women, girls, and non-binary people in Mexico, Canada, and the United States over the 20th and 21st centuries. In laying out the scholarship and her chosen cases, she will suggest that Native and Indigenous women face femicide because of ideas rooted in colonial culture, laws protecting assailants, the stripping of tribal authority over Native citizens, and the extension of settler jurisdiction over Native people. She will end the talk highlighting activists and activism aimed at healing victims' families and stopping the violence.
- “Major Crimes: Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System on Native American Reservations,” Thursday, March 6, 4:00-5:00, North 1539, Dr. David Weiden.
David Heska Wanbli Weiden will discuss the numerous criminal justice policies enacted by the U.S. government that harm Native American nations and their citizens, and how these laws contribute to the growing problem of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. He’ll discuss the Major Crimes Act, federal sentencing regulations and other governmental policies, and he’ll read a short selection from his award-winning novel, Winter Counts.
- “We Are the Stars,” Tuesday, March 11, 4:00-5:00, North 1005, Dr. Sarah Hernandez.
In this presentation, Dr. Sarah Hernandez (Sicangu Lakota) will discuss her new book, We Are the Stars: Colonizing and Decolonizing the Oceti Sakowin Literary Tradition , a literary recovery project that critically examines the U.S. as a settler colonial nation and re-centers Oceti Sakowin women as the traditional culture keepers of the Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota nations. Through this comparative literary analysis, Dr. Hernandez will explore the intersections of settler colonialism, literature, nationalism, and gender.