Sociology Careers
Sociology involves a host of work-ready skills and abilities, including project management, data analysis, teamwork, critical thinking, assessment, systems evaluation and analysis, and interpersonal relations.
The Sociology program at CU Denver is designed to align students’ study of the discipline with high-demand occupational fields in four major areas: crime, law, & justice, health & medicine, families & social welfare, and diversity, equity, & inclusion. Since workers change positions and careers multiple times over their lives, the methodological foundation and broad substantive focus of a sociology degree will serve majors well as they craft their own personal career arcs.
The Department of Sociology's specialization in crime, law, & justice provides students essential training for careers in criminal justice, victim and community services, criminal law, and non-profit organizations in local and international settings. The liberal arts focus of the program also has students develop critical approaches for studying crime, law, and justice that are essential for entering law school and graduate programs in sociology and criminology.
Sources: March 2024 "Market Intelligence Report" (Jeremy Lingle). Bureau of Labor Statistics data (2022) .
- Paralegal & Legal Assistant - $73,830
- Lawyer - $174,870
- Private Detective & Criminal Investigator - $70,580
- Police & Sherriff Patrol Officers - $87,050
Students interested in Crime, Law, & Justice as a career pathway can choose from the following courses:
SOCY 1001 - Understanding the Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 1011 - From Killer Apps to Killer Bots: Technology and Social Change (3 Credits)
SOCY 1212 - Career Success in the Social Sciences (3 Credits)
SOCY 2001 - Inequalities in Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 2440 - Deviance and Social Control (3 Credits)
SOCY 3001 - Urban Sociology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3010 - Sociology of Human Sexuality (3 Credits)
SOCY 3020 - Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. (3 Credits)
SOCY 3040 - Drugs, Alcohol & Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 3080 - Sex and Gender (3 Credits)
SOCY 3115 - Quantitative Methods & Analysis (4 Credits)
SOCY 3119 - Qualitative Methods (4 Credits)
SOCY 3140 - Sociological Theory (3 Credits)
SOCY 3490 - Criminology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3720 - Global Perspectives on Social Issues (3 Credits)
SOCY 3939 - Internship (1-3 Credits)
SOCY 4020 - Race, Culture and Immigration (3 Credits)
SOCY 4340 - Juvenile Delinquency (3 Credits)
SOCY 4440 - Poverty and Social Inequality (3 Credits)
SOCY 4460 - Hate Groups and Group Violence (3 Credits)
SOCY 4700 - Sociology of Law (3 Credits)
SOCY 4740 - Courts & Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 4780 - Violence in Relationships (3 Credits)
SOCY 4830 - Senior Capstone: Worklife Practices & Policies (3 Credits)
SOCY 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
SOCY 4910 - Research Practicum (1-6 Credits)
The Department of Sociology’s specialization in community health and medicine provides students the training needed for careers in health care, research, government data analysis, or other industries. Courses develop students' expertise with research methodologies and theories of medical sociology to understand how individual experience, institutional structures, and laws and policies affect health and unequal rates of illness and access to care. The liberal arts focus of the program also has students develop critical, analytical approaches for studying health and medicine that are essential for entering graduate school.
Sources: March 2024 "Market Intelligence Report" (Jeremy Lingle). Bureau of Labor Statistics data (2022) .
- Registered Nurse - $87,790
- Mental, Behavioral, and Sustance Abuse Conselor - $48,710
- Insurance Sales Agent - $75,270
- Mental, Behavioral, and Sustance Abuse Social Worker - $60,130
Students interested in Health & Medicine as a career pathway can choose from the following courses:
SOCY 1001 - Understanding the Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 1212 - Career Success in the Social Sciences (3 Credits)
SOCY 2001 - Inequalities in Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 3001 - Urban Sociology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3010 - Sociology of Human Sexuality (3 Credits)
SOCY 3020 - Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. (3 Credits)
SOCY 3080 - Sex and Gender (3 Credits)
SOCY 3115 - Quantitative Methods & Analysis (4 Credits)
SOCY 3119 - Qualitative Methods (4 Credits)
SOCY 3140 - Sociological Theory (3 Credits)
SOCY 3300 - Social Problems (3 Credits)
SOCY 3440 - Medical Sociology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3570 - Death & Dying: Social & Medical Perspectives (3 Credits)
SOCY 3720 - Global Perspectives on Social Issues (3 Credits)
SOCY 3939 - Internship (1-3 Credits)
SOCY 4020 - Race, Culture and Immigration (3 Credits)
SOCY 4050 - Health Disparities (3 Credits)
SOCY 4110 - Sociology of Health Care (3 Credits)
SOCY 4220 - Population Change and Analysis (3 Credits)
SOCY 4270 - Social Meanings of Reproduction (3 Credits)
SOCY 4290 - Aging, Society and Social Policy (3 Credits)
SOCY 4440 - Poverty and Social Inequality (3 Credits)
SOCY 4640 - Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence (3 Credits)
SOCY 4650 - Sociology of Adulthood and Aging (3 Credits)
SOCY 4780 - Violence in Relationships (3 Credits)
SOCY 4830 - Senior Capstone: Worklife Practices & Policies (3 Credits)
SOCY 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
SOCY 4910 - Research Practicum (1-6 Credits)
The Department of Sociology’s specialization in family studies offers students a foundation for understanding the critical role of families and family members in society as well as the broader systems and organizations supporting them. Coursework in this area prepares students for direct service positions helping improve the lives of people dealing with difficult situations (e.g., human and social services, caseworkers, mental health assistants). The skills of communication, collaboration, creative problem-solving, and time and resource management, which a sociology degree emphasizes, are highly valued by today’s employers.
Sources: March 2024 "Market Intelligence Report" (Jeremy Lingle). Bureau of Labor Statistics data (2022) .
- Social & Community Service Specialist - $51,620
- Child, Family, & School Social Workers - $56,680
- Social & Community Service Manager - $92,950
- Licensed Clinical Social Workers - $55,350
Students interested in Family & Social Welfare as a career pathway can choose from the following courses:
SOCY 1001 - Understanding the Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 1212 - Career Success in the Social Sciences (3 Credits)
SOCY 2001 - Inequalities in Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 2440 - Deviance and Social Control (3 Credits)
SOCY 2462 - Introduction to Social Psychology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3001 - Urban Sociology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3010 - Sociology of Human Sexuality (3 Credits)
SOCY 3020 - Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. (3 Credits)
SOCY 3040 - Drugs, Alcohol & Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 3080 - Sex and Gender (3 Credits)
SOCY 3115 - Quantitative Methods & Analysis (4 Credits)
SOCY 3119 - Qualitative Methods (4 Credits)
SOCY 3140 - Sociological Theory (3 Credits)
SOCY 3330 - Social Problems (3 Credits)
SOCY 3570 - Death & Dying: Social & Medical Perspectives (3 Credits)
SOCY 3697 - Contemporary Asian American Experience (3 Credits)
SOCY 3700 - Families and Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 3720 - Global Perspectives on Social Issues (3 Credits)
SOCY 3750 - Animals and Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 3939 - Internship (1-3 Credits)
SOCY 4020 - Race, Culture and Immigration (3 Credits)
SOCY 4220 - Population Change and Analysis (3 Credits)
SOCY 4270 - Social Meanings of Reproduction (3 Credits)
SOCY 4290 - Aging, Society and Social Policy (3 Credits)
SOCY 4340 - Juvenile Delinquency (3 Credits)
SOCY 4440 - Poverty and Social Inequality (3 Credits)
SOCY 4610 - Sociology of Religion (3 Credits)
SOCY 4640 - Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence (3 Credits)
SOCY 4650 - Sociology of Adulthood and Aging (3 Credits)
SOCY 4780 - Violence in Relationships (3 Credits)
SOCY 4830 - Senior Capstone: Worklife Practices & Policies (3 Credits)
SOCY 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
SOCY 4910 - Research Practicum (1-6 Credits)
The Department of Sociology’s specialization in diversity, equity, and inclusion prepares students to succeed in in today’s diverse, multicultural workplace. Students develop analytical skills to empirically study social inequalities involving race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, socioeconomic status, immigration status, religion, and age and learn practical strategies for promoting policies and actions that foster social justice and human equity. This training prepares students to serve as inclusive leaders in business, human resources, law, education, and the non-profit and public administration sectors.
Sources: March 2024 "Market Intelligence Report" (Jeremy Lingle). Bureau of Labor Statistics data (2022) .
Business & Administration
Project Management & Operations Specialists - $122,860
Customer Service Representatives - $37,780
Sales Managers - $179,030
Human Resources Managers - $116,792
Recruiters & Human Resources - $82,370
Higher Education Teachers - $69,480
Higher Education Administrators - $115,180
Guidance, Career, and Academic Counselors - $64,20
Training & Development Specialists - $73,210
Teachers - $63,640
Students interested in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion as a career pathway can choose from the following courses:
SOCY 1001 - Understanding the Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 1212 - Career Success in the Social Sciences (3 Credits)
SOCY 2001 - Inequalities in Social World (3 Credits)
SOCY 2440 - Deviance and Social Control (3 Credits)
SOCY 2462 - Introduction to Social Psychology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3001 - Urban Sociology (3 Credits)
SOCY 3010 - Sociology of Human Sexuality (3 Credits)
SOCY 3020 - Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. (3 Credits)
SOCY 3050 - Sociology of Education (3 Credits)
SOCY 3080 - Sex and Gender (3 Credits)
SOCY 3115 - Quantitative Methods & Analysis (4 Credits)
SOCY 3119 - Qualitative Methods (4 Credits)
SOCY 3140 - Sociological Theory (3 Credits)
SOCY 3330 - Social Problems (3 Credits)
SOCY 3650 - Sociology of Music (3 Credits)
SOCY 3697 - Contemporary Asian American Experience (3 Credits)
SOCY 3700 - Families and Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 3720 - Global Perspectives on Social Issues (3 Credits)
SOCY 3750 - Animals and Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 3939 - Internship (1-3 Credits)
SOCY 4020 - Race, Culture and Immigration (3 Credits)
SOCY 4050 - Health Disparities (3 Credits)
SOCY 4220 - Population Change and Analysis (3 Credits)
SOCY 4270 - Social Meanings of Reproduction (3 Credits)
SOCY 4290 - Aging, Society and Social Policy (3 Credits)
SOCY 4440 - Poverty and Social Inequality (3 Credits)
SOCY 4460 - Hate Groups and Group Violence (3 Credits)
SOCY 4610 - Sociology of Religion (3 Credits)
SOCY 4640 - Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence (3 Credits)
SOCY 4650 - Sociology of Adulthood and Aging (3 Credits)
SOCY 4700 - Sociology of Law (3 Credits)
SOCY 4740 - Courts & Society (3 Credits)
SOCY 4780 - Violence in Relationships (3 Credits)
SOCY 4830 - Senior Capstone: Worklife Practices & Policies (3 Credits)
SOCY 4880 - Directed Research (1-6 Credits)
SOCY 4910 - Research Practicum (1-6 Credits)