

Cornett, Maxwell. On Being Queer or Being a Southerner: An Autoethnographic Examination of Using Queer Identity Dissonance (Thesis Committee Chair: Maren Scull)

Leonard, Emily. A Path to Healing: An Examination of Where Restorative Justice Belongs Through the Eyes of a Restorative Facilitators and Practitioners (Thesis Committee Chair: Keith Guzik) 

Puente Puente, Jose. Y’all QBreathing Easy? An Examination of Pulmonary Health at the Intersection of Race, Nativity, and Community (Thesis Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)

Rogers, Emma. (Portfolio Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Schilling, Michele. Celibacy and Heterodoxy: Journeys and Pathways of Gay Latter Day Saint Men (Thesis Committee Chair: Maren Scull)


Ahn, Sung. Exploring Racial-Ethnic Identity(s) During Covid-19: The Salience of Color-Blind Racism, Racial Microaggressions, and the Campus Racial Climate Among Asian American College Students (Thesis Committee Chair: Edelina Burciaga)

Ahr, Kayla. 

Bletz, Alex. Y’all Queer Out Here? Identity, Community, and Relationships Among Trans and Nonbinary People in Rural America (Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Grzyb, Abbi. Masculinity, Strain, and Violent Crime: A Sociological Examination of Mass Shooter Manifestos (Committee Chair: Brenden Beck)

Hollister, Lisa. The Effects of Medical and Legal Transition on Gender Nonaffirmation in a Probability Sample of U.S. Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)

Ogdahl, Makayla. Becoming a Modern Mental Health Researcher: The Importance of Using Mixed-Methodology to Explore Social Stratification (Committee Chair: Keith Guzik)

Pecenka, Jay. Development on Decline: Enterprise Zone Policy, Austerity Governance, and Employment Outcomes (Committee Chair: Esther Sullivan)

Serrano Salomon, Valentina. "No quiero dejar mi vecindario, si me voy, me voy a mi país": Early Gentrification Impacts among Undocumented Latino immigrants in Denver, Colorado. (Committee Chair: Edelina Burciaga)

Register, Terri. The Reflective Graduate Portfolio (Committee Chair: Edelina Burciaga)

Roach, Camden. To be added (Committee Chair: Kari Alexander)

Salihi, Asima. MA Portfolio (Committee Chair: Jenny Vermilya) 

Thornton, Courtney. More of Us to Take Care of Us: The Role of Black Maternal Health Providers and Racial Concordance in Addressing Systemic Maternal Health Inequities (Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Vongsaraphanh, Angelina. To be added (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)


Brooks, Erin. Sex Workers' Experiences and Opinions Surrounding Health, Safety, and Interpersonal Relationships (Committee Chair: Maren Scull)

de la Costa, James.  An Equitable Discharge: Mitigating Impacts of Displacement for the Unhoused Throughout the Closure of Non-Congregate COVID-19 Emergency Shelters (Committee Chair: Esther Sullivan)

Jimenez, Sheila. Perceptions of Successful Aging and How Older People Plan Future Housing Needs: A Qualitative Study (Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Malachowski, Amanda. Work, the Law, and Motherhood: Women's Experience Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) (Committee Chair:   )

Mather, Don. Typologies of Depression Among Sexual Minorities and Heterosexuals in Early Mid-Life (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)

Smith, Kiana. To be added (Committee Chair: Brenden Beck)


Craig, Graham. Renegotiating Neurotypical Romance (Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Eberhardt, Summer. Protecting Childrens' Natural Modesty: A Content Analysis of Opposition to Comprehensive Sex Education (Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Hernandez, Michael. To be added (Committee Chair: Candan Duran-Aydintug)

Lange, Courtney. An Experiment on Interrogation Styles Informed by the Misinformation Effect (Committee Chair: Keith Guzik)

Martinez, Keni. Tackling Intimate Partner Violence During the COVID-19 Lockdowns: A Qualitative Analysis of the Academic Literature and Popular Media (Committee Chair: Candan Duran-Aydintug)

Myers, Charlie. 21st Century Sex Work: The Insights of Sex Workers in the Digital Age (Committee Chair: Maren Scull)

Salais, Desire. To be added (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)

Tadess, Beza. Stressed and Segregated: Intersectional Occupational Segregation and Stress Among Working Women (Committee Chair:  Adam Lippert)


Al-Nima, Mais. Neither Here nor Here: Liminal Space and the Queer Muslim Subject (Committee Chair: Esther Sullivan)

Buck, Clayton. Associations Among State-Level Structural Stigma, Prevalence of Prep Use, and Sexual Risk-Taking Behavior Among Men who have Sex with Men (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)

Conrad, Kyle. The Perfect Choice: Opportunity, Segregation, and Achievement in a Racially Divided School District (Committee Chair: Edelina Burciaga)

Minzenmayer, Kristin. The Value & Reward System of Private-Sector STEM Companies: Lessons from Female Engineers & IT Professionals (Committee Chair: Jennifer Reich)

Norman, Jeanette. Comparing Student Achievement in Colorado Charter Schools by Charter Authorizer (Committee Chair:  Kari Alexander)

Thomas, Leanne D. Examining Gender Differences in the Effect of Parenthood on Engagement in Physical ActivityStem Companies: Lessons From Female Engineers & IT Professionals (Committee Chair: Kari Alexander)


Benn, Beth. Growing Pains: Young Adults' Experiences Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Committee Chair:  Jennifer Reich)

Dixon Jones, Lorraine. Using Collaborative Networks to Address Wicked Problems: The Case of Colfax Rapid Bus Transit in Denver, Colorado (Committee Chair: Keith Guzik)

Maestas, Danielle. The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Work-Family Burden on Diabetes Management Practices (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)

Minasian, Rebecca. Exploring Self-Efficiency Development Among Paid Undergraduate Research Assistants (Committee Chair: Stacey Bosick)

Taylor, Evyn. Racial Disparities in Uterine Cancer MortalityParenthood on Engagement in Physical Activity (Committee Chair: Adam Lippert)


Atkins, Brandon. Minority Stress and Health: The Health Disparities of Sexual Minorities (Committee Chair: Edelina Burciaga)

Finnegan-Fox, Gracie. Health at the Intersection of Work and Family for American Mothers (Committee Chair: Teresa Cooney)

Gray, Christina. Generational Sex Work and the Pathways into the Sex Trade (Committee Chair: Stacey Bosick)

Noonan, Patrick. Mi Comunidad No Está En Venta: Community Ownership, Not Capital Gains (Committee Chair: Esther Sullivan)

Schroeder, Shara. Perspectives on Assistance in Home Health Care (Committee Chair: Stacey Bosick)

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