Candan Duran-Aydintug

Photo of Dr. Candan Duran-Aydintug
Associate Professor Emerita • Lecturer • Ph.D. • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sociology Department

Education & Degrees

Ph.D. University of Washington
M.S. University of Washington
B.A. Bosphorous (Bogazici) University

Expertise Areas: Family, Social Psychology, Inequalities 


Dr. Candan Duran-Aydintug is working on two research projects. The first is titled "Safe House Members' Understanding and Social Construction of their Clients' Identities and Accounts." Focus groups and semi-structured interviews are used to understand how safe house staff members construct their clients’ identities and narratives around the question: “Why do they stay in or go back to abusive relationships?” The second project uses a phenomenological approach to understand how fathers who stay home connect with their children and define their role as fathers. It also explores support groups for stay at home fathers, the obstacles they encounter, and the negotiations that occur between mothers and fathers.

Courses Taught 

SOCY 2001: Inequalities in the Social World
SOCY 3700: Families & Society