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Office Hours:
By appointment (current students, check course syllabus)
Expertise Areas:
Psychosocial Oncology, Palliative Care, Psychosocial Interventions for Medical Patients and Families, Psychoneuroimmunology, Mind-Body Interventions
Post-doctoral Training
University of Miami, Department of Psychology
November 1996 – August 1999
Clinical Internship
Veterans Administration Medical Center, Miami, FL
September, 1995 - August, 1996
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Area of Specialty: Clinical Health Psychology
Ph.D. conferred: December, 1996
Master of Public Health
San Diego State University, San Diego, California
Health Promotion and Behavioral Medicine
Bachelor of Arts
University of California, San Diego
Double Major: Psychology and Biology
Bachelor Degree conferred: March 1986
Dr. Kilbourn serves as a core faculty member in the Clinical Health Psychology Doctoral Program within the Department of Psychology where she is involved in teaching, mentoring and research. She teaches a variety of graduate classes that include Clinical Behavioral Medicine and Group Interventions. She also serves as a clinical supervisor for doctoral students who are seeing clients at the Psychology Clinic. She has an active research lab and mentors both undergraduate and graduate students in the area of psychosocial oncology, cancer survivorship and palliative care. Her research focuses on: 1) conducting clinical research that examines relevant psychosocial, behavioral and biological outcomes for cancer survivors and their loved ones and, 2) designing psychosocial and lifestyle interventions aimed at improving quality of life in medical patients and family caregivers. She also has a strong interest in health disparities and has collaborated on a number of oncology studies that have focused on underserved populations. Her research is multidisciplinary and her research colleagues come from diverse disciplines such as cancer epidemiology, medical oncology, nursing, psychiatry, internal medicine, pediatric oncology, biological psychology and biostatistics. She has received funding as an independent researcher from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the American Cancer Society (ACS), and I have served as a collaborator/co-investigator on projects that have been funded by the NIH, the ACS, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Livestrong Foundation, the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI), the Cancer League of Colorado and the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
Nicole Amoyal Pensak; Tanisha Joshi, PhD; Teresa Simoneau, PhD; Kristin Kilbourn, PhD; Alaina CarrJean Kutner2, MD, MSPH; Mark Laudenslager5, (in press). Development of a Web-Based Intervention for Addressing Distress in Caregivers of Patients Receiving Stem Cell Transplants JIMR Research Protocols. doi:10.2196/resprot.7075.
Simoneau, T.L., Kilbourn, K., Spradley, J. et al. (in press). An evidence-based stress management intervention for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant caregivers: development, feasibility and acceptability. Support Care Cancer. doi:10.1007/s00520-017-3660-5
Risendal B, Sedjo R, Giuliano A, Vadaparampil S, Jacobsen PB, Kilbourn K, Barón A, Byers T. (2016). Surveillance and beliefs about follow-up care among long-term breast cancer survivors: a comparison of primary care and oncology providers. J Cancer Surviv. 10(1):96-102 PMID:26070279
Laudenslager, M, Simoneau, T, Kilbourn, K, Natvig, C, Philips, Spradley, J Benitez, B, McSweeney P and Mikulich-Gilbertson, S. (2015). A randomized control trial of a psychosocial intervention for caregivers of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients: effects on distress. Bone Marrow Transplantation 50, 1110-1118 (August 2015) | doi:10.1038/bmt.2015.104
Overholser, L, Moss, K, Kilbourn , K, Risendal, B, Jones, A, Greffe, B, Garrington T, Leonardi-Warren K, Yamashita T & Kutner, J. (2015). Development of a Primary Care-Based Clinic to Support Adults with a History of Childhood Cancer: The Tactic Clinic. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30, 724-731 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2015.05.023
Kessler E, Fairclough D, Eckhardt, D., Laudenslager M, Kilbourn K., Mauss I., Felton ., Moss A, & Kutner J. (2014). Distress among caregivers of phase 1 trial particpants: a cross sectional study. Supportive Care of Cancer, 22:3331 – 3340.
*Madore S, Kilbourn K, Borrayo E, Valverde P & Raich P. (2014). Feasibility of a Psychosocial and Patient Navigation Intervention to Improve Access to Treatment among Underserved Breast Cancer Patients. Supportive Care of Cancer., 22: 2085-2093.
Simoneau TL, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Natvig C, Kilbourn K, Spradley J, Grzywa-Cobb R, Philips S, McSweeney P & Laudenslager L. (2013). Elevated Peri-transplant Distress in Caregivers of Allogeneic Blood or Marrow Transplant Patients. Journal of Psycho-oncology, 22(9), 2064-2070.
Sedjo, R, Hines L Byers T, Giuliano, A, Marcus, Al, Vadaparampil, S, Jacobsen, P, Kilbourn, K, Barón, A, Feser, W & Risendal, B. (2013) Long-Term Weight Gain Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women with and Without Breast CancerNutrition and Cancer, 65 (1): 34-42.
Hart, S, Hoyt, M.A., Diefenbach, M, *Anderson, D.R., Kilbourn, K.M., Craft, L, Steel, J.L., Cuijpers, P, Mohr, D.C., Berendsen, M, Spring, B & Stanton, A. (2013) Response to letter. Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
Kilbourn, K, *Anderson, D, Costenaro, A, DeRoche, K, Borrayo, E, Kane, M, & Rabin, D. (2013) Feasibility of the EASE Program: A Telephone-based Approach for Symptom Management in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Support Care of Cancer. 21 (1): 191-200. Epub 2012 Jun 15.
Hart, S, Hoyt, M.A., Diefenbach, M, *Anderson, D.R., Kilbourn, K.M., Craft, L, Steel, J.L., Cuijpers, P, Mohr, D.C., Berendsen, M, Spring, B & Stanton, A. (2012) Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of Psychotherapeutic for Elevated Depressive Symptoms in Adults Diagnosed with Cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 104:990-1004
Kilbourn, K, , Costenaro, A, Madore, S, DeRoche, K, *Anderson, D, *Keech, T & Kutner, J. (2011). The Feasibility and Acceptability of a Telephone-based Counseling program for Hospice Caregivers. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 14(11). 1200-1205.
Kilbourn, K, *Bargai, N, *Durning, P, DeRoche, K, *Madore, S & Zabora, J (2011). The Psycho-oncology Screening Tool (POST): Validity of a New Screening Measure. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 29(5):475-498
Jean-Pierre, P, Fiscella, K; Winters, P;Wells, K; Battaglia, T; Post, D; Simon,M; Kilbourn, K (2011). Psychometric Development and Reliability Analysis of a Patient Satisfaction with Interpersonal Relationship with Navigator
Measure: A Multi-site Patient Navigation Research Program Study. Psycho-oncology.Article first published online: 17 JUN 2011
Kutner, J, Kilbourn, K, Costenaro, A, Lee, C, Nowels, C, Vancura, J, *Anderson, D,& *Ellis, T. (2009) Support needs of informal hospice caregivers: A qualitative study. Journal of Palliative Care. 12(12): 1101-1104
*Jump, R., Robinson, M, Armstrong, A, Barnes, E, Kilbourn, K,. & Richards, H (2005). Fatigue in SLE: Contributions of disease activity, pain, depression and perceived social support. Journal of Rheumatology, 32(9):1699-1705.
Dixon, D., Cruess, S., Kilbourn, K., Klimas, N., Fletcher, Ironson, G., M.A., Baum, A., & Schneiderman, N. & Antoni, M.H. (2001). Social support mediates loneliness and Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) antibody titers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 6: 1111-1132.
Cruess, D.G., Antoni, M.H., McGregor, B.A., Kilbourn, K., Boyers, A.E. Alferi, S.M., Carver, C.S. & Kumar, M. (2001). Effects of stress management on testosterone levels in women with early-stage breast cancer. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8(3): 194-207.
Antoni, M. H., Lehman, J. M., Kilbourn, K. M., Boyers, A. E., Culver, J. L., Alferi, S. M., Yount, S. E., McGregor, B. A., Arena, P. L., Harris, S. D., Price, A. A., & Carver, C. S. (2001). Cognitive-behavioral stress management intervention decreases the prevalence of depression and enhances benefit finding among women under treatment for early-stage breast cancer. Health Psychology, 20, 20-32.
Alferi, S. M., Antoni, M. H., Ironson, G., Kilbourn, K. M., & Carver, C. S. (2001). Factors predicting the use of complementary therapies in a multi-ethnic sample of early stage breast cancer patients. Journal of the American Medical Women¹s Association, 56, 120-123.
Cruess, S., Antoni, M.H., Kilbourn, K., Ironson, G., Klimas, N., Fletcher, M., Baum, A., Schneiderman, N. & Antoni, M.H. (2000). Optimism, distress and immunologic status in HIV-infected gay men following Hurricane Andrew. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 7(2).160-182.
Cruess, D.G., Antoni, M.H., McGregor, B.A., Kilbourn, K., Boyers, A.E. Alferi, S.M., Carver, C.S. & Kumar, M. (2000). Cognitive-behavioral stress management reduces serum cortisol by enhancing benefit finding among women being treated for early-stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62(3), 304-308.
Tuzin, B., Mulvihill, M., Kilbourn, K., Bertran, D., Buono, M., Hovell, M., Hardwood, I., Light, M. (1998). Increasing physical activity pf childen with cystic fibrosis: A home-based family intervention. Pediatric Exercise Science, 10(1)
Benight, C., Antoni, M.H., Kilbourn, K., Ironson, G., Kumar, M., Fletcher, M.A., Redwine, L., Baum, A. & Schneiderman, N. (1997) Coping self-efficacy buffers psychological and physiological disturbances in HIV-infected men following a natural disaster. Psychosomatic Medicine, 16 (3), 1-8.
Hovell, M., Hofstetter, R., Sallis, J., Barrington, E., Hackley, M., & Kilbourn, K. (1991). Identification of correlates of physical activity among latino adults. Journal of Community Health, 16, 23-26.
Jeste, D., Krull, A., & Kilbourn, K. (1990). Tardive dyskinesia: Managing a common neuroleptic side effect. Geriatrics, 45, 49-58.
* denoted trainee or former trainee working under Dr. Kilbourn
Abnormal Psychology (Undergraduate)
Clinical Behavioral Medicine (Graduate)
Clinical Practicum/Supervision (Graduate)
Group Psychotherapy (Graduate)
Health Psychology II (Graduate)
Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate)
Introduction to Psychotherapy I (Graduate)
Advanced Psychopathology (Graduate)
Health Psychology (Undergraduate)