
Photo of event panelists

Colorado Legislative Roundup

May 3, 2023

CU Denver’s Legislative Roundup, presented by CU Denver’s Pi Sigma Alpha and “CU at the Capitol” legislative interns, took place this past April! Multiple legislative aides and the executive director of the Colorado Education Association participated in the bipartisan discussion of education politics and policies in Colorado. Current interns at...

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Students on trip smiling while sitting at the table for a meal

Amache/Sand Creek Educational Trip

April 17, 2023

On March 21st, Professor Basim Mahmood led a small group of dedicated political science scholars to see the former Granada Relocation Center, also known as "Camp Amache", where over 7,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned after F.D.R. signed Executive Order 9066. While walking through the ruins of the site, these scholars...

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Pi Sigma Alpha Inductees

Pi Sigma Alpha 2023 Induction Ceremony

April 12, 2023

Pi Sigma Alpha's ceremony took place Thursday April 6 th inducting the newest members to the hundred- and two-year-old society. The National Political Science Honor Society is the only honor society for college and university students of political and social sciences in the United States made up of the top...

Read more about Pi Sigma Alpha 2023 Induction Ceremony

Beach ball in swimming pool

Summer 2023 PSCI Courses

March 30, 2023

PSCI 1001 – Introduction to Political Science: The Quest for Freedom and Justice Professor Harvey Bishop, online 6/27/2023 - 7/30/2023 PSCI 3022 – Political Systems of the World Professor Martin Widzer, in person 6/5/2023 - 7/29/2023 PSCI 3042 – Introduction to International Relations Professor Thorsten Spehn, online 6/6/2023 - 7/8/2023...

Read more about Summer 2023 PSCI Courses

Jim Walsh with his student campaign workers

Prof. Jim Walsh's Student-run Mayoral Campaign

March 9, 2023

At the CU Denver Political Science Department, faculty are committed to providing their students with opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge through real-world experience. This year, students have had the exciting opportunity to participate directly in a high-profile mayoral campaign! Professor Jim Walsh is an esteemed member of our Political Science...

Read more about Prof. Jim Walsh's Student-run Mayoral Campaign

Winona LaDuke sitting outdoors

A Conversation With Winona LaDuke

March 9, 2023

Winona LaDuke is an internationally renowned indigenous environmental leader and scholar. She is the founder and Executive Director of Honor the Earth, an indigenous-women led organization that has been successful in advancing environmental protection of indigenous peoples’ territories and in incubating grassroots economic self-sufficiency projects on her White Earth Anishinaabe...

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Event flyer containing information from page

Colorado Legislative Roundup: A Bipartisan Discussion

March 9, 2023

The CU Denver chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society and "CU at the Capitol" Legislative Interns present the 2023 Colorado Legislative Roundup: A Bipartisan Discussion of Education Politics and Policies in Colorado! This event features: Catered Reception Presentations by State Legislators and Aides Audience Questions and...

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An Invitation to submit to praxis

Praxis Student Journal Call for Papers

Oct. 31, 2022

Praxis, The CU Denver Political Science Department Student Journal, is accepting paper submissions due by December 30, 2022 for the Spring 2023 publication. Applicants with strong papers are encouraged to submit their work for review and potential publication. Experience with publication reflects very positively on job applications and graduate program...

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A piggy bank wearing sunglasses and a graduation cap with a pile of quarters next to it

Spring 2022 Jerry Jacks Scholarship Available Now!

The CU Denver Political Science Department is pleased to announce the availability of student scholarships available to undergraduate majors in Political Science at CU Denver. Eligible students must be single parents. Preferred applicants will also be students who have demonstrated exceptional service or leadership in engaging the challenges facing traditionally...

Read more about Spring 2022 Jerry Jacks Scholarship Available Now!

Photo of 3 stacks of coins sitting next to a piggy bank with a graduation cap on

Spring 2022 Beeks Scholarship Available Now! - $1500

The CU Denver Political Science Department is pleased to announce the availability of a student scholarship available to majors and graduate students in Political Science at CU Denver who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the study of women’s issues . Such issues may include, but are not limited to: gender...

Read more about Spring 2022 Beeks Scholarship Available Now! - $1500
