The CU Denver Political Science Department is pleased to announce the availability of student scholarships available to undergraduate majors in Political Science at CU Denver. Eligible students must be single parents.
Preferred applicants will also be students who have demonstrated exceptional service or leadership in engaging the challenges facing traditionally marginalized and/or low-income communities.
This scholarship is provided in memory of long-time Department faculty member Jerry Jacks and is supported by the Jerry Jacks Endowment. During his lifetime, Jerry Jacks was a highly motivated Instructor with a special passion for building service-learning programs in low-income communities that brought university students into beneficial partnerships with community groups across the Denver region. Jerry wished for any fund in his honor to continue to support students engaged in this kind of service-partnerships, and wished also to honor his sister who worked hard to support her family as a single parent.
We invite CU Denver Political Science Undergraduate Majors who exhibit the character and values of Jerry Jacks to apply for support though this scholarship fund.
The Department will award 1-2 scholarships, in the $1000-$2000 range, with the award applied to students’ spring 2022 account.
To apply for this scholarship, please submit the following materials:
- A single page resume or Personal Information Sheet. This single page resume should highlight your professional, educational, community service, civic leadership, or personal achievements. Somewhere on this page include the following line: “I confirm that I am a single parent.”
- A 500-750 word essay that describes your commitment to community engagement and civic leadership. In your essay, you may wish to address such things as your personal background, your previous community service and civic engagement work, your vision of an improved society, and/or your aspirations in terms of career and personal goals.
- A copy of your CU Denver transcript—it does not have to be an official, stamped transcript.