Sigma Omicron Chapter
Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica (National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society) "Spanías Didagéi Proágomen"
A student must have completed at least 3 years, or the equivalent, of college Spanish, including at least 3 semester hours of a third-year course in Hispanic literature or Hispanic culture and civilization. Those students enrolled in these courses are eligible for membership if the instructor will certify that their work is a B quality or better;
A student's grades in all Spanish courses must average at least 3.0;
A student must rank in the upper 35% of his or her class (sophomore, junior, senior);
A student must have completed at least 3 semesters or 5 quarters of college work;
A student must show genuine interest in things Hispanic and be of good moral character.
Sigma Delta Pi Membership Requirements