Modern Languages Computer Lab

Plaza 115 lab

The Department of Modern Languages Computer Lab and MultiMedia Center is equipped with 35 PCs. With our fast Internet connection, students can gain information from the World Wide Web very quickly in any language. Our multimedia center features ready access for students with disabilities. This includes large video monitors, easy access and other ADA recognized features. Many of our courses provide multimedia components including online components and electronic access to native speakers in various languages.


Languages Computer Lab Hours

Fall Semester and Spring Semester--

Mondays 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Tuesdays 10:00 a.m.-4:00p.m.
Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Thursdays 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

If you are a remote or online only student and you need to take the Placement Test, please get in touch with:

** The lab will be closed for Spring Break and Fall Break, as well as in between semesters and the summer.***


Location: Plaza Building Room 115
Phone: 303-315-7127

Lab Director: Ileana Gross

Lab Rules

If any of the below mentioned policies are broken, at the discretion of the lab personnel, you could be asked to leave the lab.

  1. All of the UC Computing Policies are in effect in The Modern Languages Computer Lab.
  2. No food or drinks are allowed in the lab.
  3. The Language Lab is for the use of UC Denver Modern Languages students. The student must be enrolled in a UC Denver Modern Languages course for the semester.
  4. Every student must sign in when entering the lab and have a valid semester sticker in order to use the lab.
  5. No printing of Web pages, unless it is a requirement for a UC Denver language course. There is a maximum of 10 printed pages per student.
  6. In order to check out materials the students must present the advisor with a valid student ID card, to be returned after the material is turned back in.
  7. The computers are to be used only for academic requirements, and not used to play video games, or to be used in such way that the equipment would be damaged.
  8. We are not responsible for any damaged personal media or lost items.
  9. No software is to be installed or copyrighted materials copied by students, and no viruses or malware are to be brought into the lab.
  10. The lab is a quiet place to work; please be considerate of others and keep the noise level to a minimum.

Policies Reminder:

Users of the UC Denver network are subject to all local, state and federal laws and regulations as well as UC Denver policies while using UC Denver resources. Only authorized uses of the campus network are allowed.

Click here for a list of UCD policies.