The CLAS IT Committee is an advisory group that aims to facilitate excellent technical services for the College. The main purpose of the committee is to achieve this goal by enabling effective communication between the CLAS community, IT Staff, and the Dean’s Office. We solicit feedback on an annual basis to better understand the state of IT service and use this information to find ways for improvement. Importantly, the committee is in regular communication with the CLAS IT Staff, passing along needs and concerns, tracking progress on issues, and hearing updates on new developments.
According to current bylaws, the Committee shall be composed of 5 rostered faculty members (one from each CLAS division plus one at large), two CLAS students (one undergraduate and one graduate student), and the CLAS IT Director (or a designee approved by the Director).
If you would like to contact the Committee, please email:
If you are a faculty member interested in serving, we encourage you to enter your name into the election for the 2025-2026 year. We especially encourage participation from those in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For this year, the at-large position will be a 1-year term, with the aim of preventing the entire board from being up for election at the same time in the future.
We seek CLAS student representatives to join us as well. If interested in one of these positions either now or next year, please contact the current Chairperson, Carly Leonard.