INTS (double) major, Ali Alnazzal, has earned the CLAS Outstanding Student Award for Fall 2023!
Every Commencement (Summer/Fall and Spring) the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recognizes up to two graduating students (one BA and one BS) by awarding them "Outstanding Undergraduate." This award is merit based. Candidates submit a written application, including letters of recommendation. Finalists are interviewed by members of the Academic Standards Committee.
Ali Alnazzal Bio
"If we do not find the road, we will make one," Hannibal.
I am from Iraq; I arrived in the US in 2011 as a refugee with my family. I knew no one and had nothing. I learned everything by trial and error. I worked hard as an interpreter and ride-sharing driver to meet my family's needs. When I established a good foundation, I decided to develop myself. I enrolled with the CCD for one year, then joined CU Denver when I discovered I could do that even before gaining my associate degree. CU Denver offered me many opportunities that allowed me to positively engage in the university's communities.
I enrolled in the TRIO SSS program and worked for them for one semester. I started working with the Student Transfer and Family Engagement (STFE) office as a Peer Advocate Leader. I was also elected to participate in the work of the Age-Friendly University (AFU) committee.
On the academic level, I enrolled with the BIPOC committee in the Political Science department. I was accepted at PI Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society and Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society in Communication. I added another major in International Studies and a minor in Communication. Finally, I enrolled in the 4+1 program, and most recently, I was accepted to the master's program in Political Science and earned a TA position in the Political Science department next semester.
I like to play piano. I taught myself how to read notes recently. I enjoy intellectual discussions, especially with my daughter Danya, and only watch movies based on true events.