Why minor in International Studies?
Graduates with knowledge of other cultures, languages, and governments have a tremendous advantage over other candidates in an increasingly competitive job market. The minor in International Studies (INTS) provides students the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to help them succeed in a globalized economy. The INTS minor is available to students at CU Denver and the International College of Beijing (ICB).
CU Denver students should contact: hamilton.bean@ucdenver.edu
ICB students should contact: jason.hostutler@ucdenver.edu or yi-tsui.tseng@ucdenver.edu
** The International Studies Minor can be completed 100% online. Contact an INTS advisor to learn what options are available. **
The minor requires 18 credits in International Studies-related courses (i.e., 6 courses). Please note: Students cannot take more than two upper-division courses from the same department for the minor.
I. One required introductory course from the following:
INTS 2020 Foundations of International Studies
PSCI 3042 Introduction to International Relations
PSCI 3022 Political Systems of the World
HIST 4032 Globalization in World History
II. A choice of any five upper division courses (3000-4000 level) with an international focus from Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science or another department with approval from an INTS advisor. Courses available for the INTS minor are located in the catalog linked on the Course Offerings page. Students who do not select INTS 2020 Foundations of International Studies for their introductory course are permitted to take that course to fulfill one of the five upper division courses slots. Students may also use any relevant Travel Study course to fulfill requirements. To promote interdisciplinary understanding, students may not take more than two upper division courses from the same department for the minor. Students may inquire with an INTS advisor whether a certain course may be counted for the minor. In general, the majority of the course content must focus on international issues or contexts to be considered. Approved INTS Minor Courses (additional or alterantive upper-divsion courses may be counted for ICB students, please contact an advisor).