“IPE with SBB”

Published: Aug. 21, 2022

On the heels of earning the 2022 CU Denver Campus-Wide Excellence in Teaching Award, INTS-affiliated faculty member, Dr. Sasha Breger Bush, has started a newsletter: “IPE with SBB.” www.ipewithsbb.org

From the website: 

Why subscribe?

The global political and economic landscape is changing rapidly. As the mainstream American media dilly-dallies with partisan political bickering and the culture wars, important political and economic events are unfolding around the world without much notice or commentary. 

International political economy (IPE) provides a unique window onto the world, one that cuts through culture and partisanship to focus on the material realities that affect our daily lives. I’ve been researching and writing about global politics and economy for twenty years. My work focuses on how wealth and power are accumulated and used on the global stage, and on the politics of risk, poverty, and inequality. I’m especially interested in global trade and finance, geopolitics of natural resources, global food and agricultural markets, drug production and trade, and the political economy of US higher education.


The IPE with SBB newsletter is a great way to stay informed about global politics, economics, and finance. The Global News Roundup offers concise summaries of global IPE news, drawing only from international (non-US) news sources. The Food for Thought series provides brief meditations and brainstorms on new ideas and innovations from around the world, ones that may give us pause and inspire hope for future. The Unpopular Opinions series is dedicated to original commentary and analysis of pressing global issues. As I’m able, I’ll also post with feedback from readers and my responses. You can also check out my website to learn more about me: www.ipewithsbb.org.

Stay up-to-date

I try to stay current with my coverage. But, you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. 

Dialogue with Readers

I’d love to hear from you. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions about the newsletter or its content, please reply to me. If it’s ok that I anonymously quote you in a future post, please let me know in the text of your email (I’ll never mention your name or other identifying information, and will not quote you without your permission).