New Course - PSCI 4340/5340: Advanced IPE: Global Supply Chains (Fall 2022)
Course description: Many people globally rely on long, global supply chains for jobs and incomes and to acquire the goods and services they need to survive. These chains connect people all over the world—from farmers and seamstresses to multinational corporations and investment banks— to one another as they work to bring products to our store shelves and homes. Yet, as current events clearly demonstrate, these long and complicated chains are fragile and easily disrupted, contributing to rising vulnerability, insecurity, inequality, and poverty around the world. How did it come to pass that we rely on such a complex system for the things we need? Is this kind of interdependence a good idea? What alternatives exist for restructuring trade, work, and production? These questions have occupied political economists for centuries and for good reason. Thinking about supply chains means thinking about survival and our relationships with one another and the Earth. This course tackles contemporary and historical supply chains with an eye toward thinking about the future of global production, trade, and work. Cross-listed with PSCI 5340. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Sasha Breger Bush
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Colorado Denver
Email: sasha.breger@ucdenver.edu