Welcome Alumni
As a department, we take a great deal of pride in our students, both graduate and undergraduate, as well as the accomplishments of our alumni. Each of you is more memorable than you may think. We enjoy knowing how you are doing, both personally and professionally. And we hope that you will use this site to maintain contact with the department and keep abreast of "goings on" in Biology.
Each year, we schedule events in which you might be interested. For example, this year's spring seminar series featured distinguished scientists from USGS Trust Species and Habitats Branch, The Morton Arboretum and Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and The Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University as well as several of our current Master's students.
Please let us know about your accomplishments, accolades, and adventures, as well as changes to your contact information since your graduation...photos are welcome, too! E-mail us at jacki.craig@ucdenver.edu.
With warm regards,
Dr. Amanda Charlesworth, Interim Chair
Department of Integrative Biology
Bio-logue Alumni Newsletter
Welcome Biology Alumni and friends! We wanted to give everyone a chance to read our Alumni Newsletters that share news about the Department, so below are links for each semester's newsletter. The "Bio-logue" alumni newsletter is emailed to a listserv each semester and now you will be able to catch up on any issues you may have missed. If you would like to be added to the Biology Alumni listserv please use either of these links; alumni@ucdenver.edu or https://giving.cu.edu/update-my-records.
We’d also like to hear from you, your professional accomplishments and milestones and share these in future newsletters. If you have news to share please email, jacki.craig@ucdenver.edu.
Deseray Sileo
We love sharing news about people in our Department who receive the recognition they deserve for all their hard work in realizing their education and career goals. Deseray Sileo, a 2019 May graduate majoring in Psychology, and Teaching Assistant in Dr. Hannah Anchordoquy’s anatomy lab since Fall 2019, is one of those people. Deseray was accepted to multiple medical schools including UCLA and UC of San Diego but was considering the scholarship she had been offered to UC San Diego. However, that all changed when UCLA called her and encouraged her to accept their school because they were offering her the David Geffen Medical Scholarship! This is the highest honor awarded to entering medical students at UCLA. It is a prestigious merit scholarship, based on demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and exceptional promise. The full scholarship supports her academic career financially to cover ALL tuition and fees for 4 years, plus a $37,000 annual stipend.
Dr. Anchordoquy commented, “As I watch so many students STRUGGLE for acceptance to MD programs, it is AMAZING to see one of "ours" so highly valued. And, I can verify that Deseray is SO deserving of this scholarship. She is one of those truly exceptional students and overall amazing humans...I cannot say enough great things about her and wanted to share the great news”.
Congratulation Deseray for this wonderful recognition of your dedication to your future.
Dr. Charles Ferguson and Dr. Alan Brockway
Please donate to the Brockway-Ferguson Pre-Health Student Support Fund
The Brockway-Ferguson Pre-Health Student Support Fund is dedicated to providing pre-health students the funds to pay for expenses beyond tuition, fees and materials. The fund supports needs such as paying for standardized test preparation courses, and application or test fees, or travel to post-graduate school interviews, or covering unexpected life expenses that might derail them from completing their education. Because these funds are intended to cover unexpected, and pressing or 'Outside CU' expenses for students, the application and awarding process is intended to simplify access and streamline the process..
Dr. Alan Brockway had a 30-year career in the Department of Biology (now Integrative Biology) and was instrumental in developing a highly successful Health Careers Advising Program, which has continued to grow and flourish. Dr. Brockway’s work and teaching evolved considerably over time as he responded to programmatic needs and changes in Biology. He derived great personal satisfaction from providing service, and he contributed his time generously at CU Denver and to various community groups, his church, and other institutions.
Dr. Charles Ferguson is a native of Denver and received his Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1985, his Master of Arts in Biology from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1989, and his Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience from the University of Colorado Boulder in 1996 at the ripe old age of 45. Before going to college, he worked in the medical profession for 14 years, "retiring" from the medical profession in 1985. He is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Colorado Denver where he teaches or has taught a number of courses. His research is focused primarily on the difficulties that pre-science high school students encounter entering college-level science, math or engineering disciplines. He served, for many years, as the Director of the Health Professions Program at the University of Colorado Denver and specialized in the advising of the “non-traditional” older student. He was instrumental in the development of a number of K-12 pipeline programs as well as a number of post-bac programs designed to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds obtain a college education and pursue their passion in the medical profession. He has received numerous teaching awards at both the institutional level as well as the national level.
Drs. Brockway and Ferguson have always been acutely aware of the many challenges facing pre-health career students, including unanticipated expenses, and both were committed to trying to provide solutions. They both worked to establish this fund, so that more students could pursue their educational and professional goals. This endowed scholarship exists in perpetuity at CU and spins off 4% of the principal in support of scholarships. Donations to this fund will help us enable more students to achieve their dream of a career in health care.
How to donate:
- Checks can be made out to University of Colorado Foundation (include on the memo line of the check "Brockway-Ferguson Endowed Pre-Health Student Support Fund 0350059" and mailed to:
University of Colorado Foundation
P.O. Box 17126
Denver, CO 80217-9155
- One time and recurring donations can be made here
The Smilodon Outstanding Scholar Endowment was established by a generous anonymous donation to support graduate and undergraduate scholarships in the Department of Integrative Biology. Preference is for students with an interest in a career or graduate degree in biology and recognizing outstanding undergraduate and graduate scholars in the Department. Currently, the awards are given to these outstanding students each Fall and Spring semester. Students are nominated for the award by faculty, staff and fellow students for their scholarly achievements, ethics, and contributions to the Department.
To give to the Smilodon Fund please go to giving.cu and in the write-in fund section paste “Smilodon Biology Scholarship fund, allocation number 0350146” in the comments box. Give to Smilodon
Dr. Phyllis Weisheit Schultz Scholarship Fund The Phyllis Schults Scholarship supports Biology students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The scholarship will be awarded to students who show great promise and demonstrate academic excellence. Scholarship awardees will receive a certificate, a $1500 prize, and recognition on university webpage(s) and newsletter(s).
To be eligible for this award, a student must be currently enrolled as a sophomore, junior, or senior at CU Denver. Students must have a declared major or minor in biology and an established GPA at CU Denver. Graduating students are not eligible.
Dr. Phyllis Weisheit Schultz was a founding faculty member of the CU Denver Biology Department. She received her undergraduate and graduate education primarily at the University of Cincinnati, where she studied Zoology (specifically vertebrate embryology) but also studied geology, with avid interests in paleontology. She began her teaching career as a TA in Cincinnati in 1944, and came to the University of Colorado Boulder in 1960 to teach in the Environmental, Population, and Organismic (EPO) Biology Department. She taught night, honorarium courses in Denver (at what was then the CU Extension Center) until she was hired by the Boulder Biology Department as the first full-time faculty member assigned to the Denver Campus. When Denver got its own Biology Department (with 3 faculty and a graduate TA) she was made the Chair. She was regarded as one of the finest instructors at CU Denver by students and colleagues during her tenure at the university. Dr. Charles Ferguson, Associate Professor of Integrative Biology and a student of Schultz’s, counts Schultz as one of the most pivotal people in his career, and describes her as “an amazing and dedicated teacher.” Similarly, Professor Diana Tomback indicated “She knew and loved vertebrate embryology and had a masterful artistic skill. Back in the days before PowerPoint and computers, she would arrive for class 15 to 20 min early and draw on the board incredibly beautiful diagrams of developing embryos using multi-colored chalk; she would then lecture using these illustrations.”
Dr. Schultz was awarded the University Medal in 1985 and retired in 1987. A longtime supporter of the university, she was immensely proud when the Biology department established the Phyllis Weisheit Schultz Scholarship Fund in 1990 to celebrate her legacy.
How to donate:
- Checks can be made out to University of Colorado Foundation (include on the memo line of the check " Phyllis Weisheit Schultz Scholarship Fund #0350008” and mailed to:
University of Colorado Foundation
P.O. Box 17126
Denver, CO 80217-9155
- Go to giving.cu.edu and click on the Give Now button (at the top of the page there is a “click here to write-in a fund” button) use Phyllis Weisheit Schultz Scholarship Fund #0350008 (one-time and recurring gifts)