2021 Fall Seminar Series Presents DR. KAREN BAILEY CU Boulder WHEN: October 22, 2021, at Noon WHERE: Seminar will be presented via Zoom Please complete the RSVP FORM to receive the Zoom Meeting link. Forms can be submitted any time before the Seminar but not after 10:00am the day of...
Attached is the Fall 2021 Finals Schedule. The department is listed as a tab in the spreadsheet. Please let me know if you have any conflicts or changes needed. For remote sections pleases refer to the attached PDF that has the finals schedule grid and assign your final based on the time that the grid has listed. For example, if your class is on MW 8-9:15 the final will be on Monday of finals week from 8-10 am. If you have a recitation or lab that you manage within your department, please disregard
2021 Fall FCQ Audit
Reminder to Faculty, Jacki has sent out the 2021 Fall FCQ audit sheet for all faculty to review. Please let her know if there are any changes that need to be made as to who does or doesn’t get online FCQs. All audits must be made by Oct. 27 so please let Jacki know of any changes by Oct. 25th so she can request the changes.
The FCQ administration dates are Nov. 29th through Dec. 6thNOTE: FCQ windows may be extended at the discretion of the FCQ program.
COVID Updates for Faculty & Staff. Please see the attachment for full information on the subjects below:
Disciplinary Action for Non-Compliant Students, Faculty, and Staff
Reminder: Mandatory Weekly Testing Requirements
Booster Shots Now Available at Health Center at Auraria