Hi everyone! I'm Margaret Garcia, the new GAC student rep. The fall semester is getting close and it’s time to welcome our new graduate students to the department. This year’s BioBlitz is scheduled for the first week of seminar (8/27, 12-1) and will be virtual this year. For those of...
The 2020 Fall Semester Seminars and Graduate Student Seminars will again be held via Zoom. Please keep checking this page and the News and Events page for further information including seminar speakers, presentations, times and Zoom links.
When: Tues. April 28 th , 12:30p Where: ZOOM: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/96053642226 Dr. Jantina Toxopeus Postdoctoral fellow Department of Integrative Biology, University of Colorado Denver Challenging the hallmarks of insect diapause: A case study in Rhagoletis pomonella Most temperate insects overwinter in diapause, a dormant state characterized by developmental arrest, metabolic rate...
Event Information Who: Kyle Turchick. Title: " Investigating the role of relative differences in disturbance frequency on old-growth forest biomass stocks in the temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska". When: Tuesday, April 14th, at 12:20p. Where: Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/837666569 . Kyle Turchick Masters Candidate, CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology The mountain...
Event Information Who: Dr. Chris Kotalik, Title: "Applying mesocosm and field research of acid mine drainage effects on stream communities to inform current USEPA aquatic life criteria", When: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 12:20p. Where: SI 1086 Dr. Chris Kotalik Postdoctoral Researcher Colorado State University. Mineral extraction in the western...
Event Information Who: Emily Scott What: 2019 Fall Graduate Student Seminar When: Monday, Nov. 18th, at Noon Where: SI 1086 Emily Scott Masters Candidate, Integrative Biology, University of Colorado Denver Effect of Serotonin on Mating Success in Male Teleopsis dalmanni Successful mating is one of the most important behaviors to...
Event Information Who: Lamya'a Dawud What: 2019 Fall Graduate Student Seminar When: Monday, Nov. 18, at Noon Where: SI 1086 Lamya'a Dawud Doctoral Candidate, Integrative and Systems Biology, University of Colorado Denver Social buffering in a novel social fear conditioning procedure in male and female rats Social fear is a...
Event Information Who: Scott Yanco & Katherine Hayes What: 2019 Fall Graduate Student Seminar When: Monday, Oct. 21st, at Noon Where: SI 1086 Katherine Hayes, M.S. PhD trainee, Integrative and Systems Biology, University of Colorado Denver Continued repeat burning in the boreal causes continued ecosystem transformation Scott Yanco Doctoral Candidate,...
Event Information Who: Laurel Sindewald What: 2019 Fall Graduate Student Seminar When: Monday, Oct. 7th, at Noon Where: SI 1086 Laurel Sindewald PhD trainee, Integrative and Systems Biology University of Colorado Denver Limber pine (Pinus flexilis) is a keystone and foundation species in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) where it...
Event Information Who: Michelle DePrenger-Levin PhD trainee, Integrative and Systems Biology, University of Colorado Denver What: 2019 Fall Graduate Student Seminar When: Monday, Sept. 23rd, at Noon Where: SI 1086 Conservation of rare species requires understanding the environmental drivers and geographic extent of population occurrence and persistence. Maintaining diversity within...