Environment Stewardship of Indigenous Lands (ESIL) Certificate Program

Published: Feb. 17, 2022

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The Department of Integrative Biology is happy to announce that the Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands (ESIL) certificate program, run by our own Dr. Timberley Roane, faculty member in environmental microbiology, is in its third year.  The ESIL certificate provides academic, cultural, social, and professional support for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students interested in careers representing Indigenous approaches to the stewardship of land, air, and water.  Such career opportunities exist within tribal communities, as well as within federal, state, for-profit, and non-profit agencies.  Having sponsored 21 students from disciplines including anthropology, biology, business, civil engineering, geography and environmental science, and political science,  5 students have graduated with their biology degrees while concurrently completing the certificate. As an entry-to-graduation program, ESIL provides application assistance, scholarships, and course advising, while mentoring students through internships and workshops centered around cultural identity, STEM retention, and professional development.  Of the 5 graduating students, 3 are now in graduate programs and 2 are employed in STEM.  The ESIL certificate program is looking forward to accepting its next cohort of students in summer and fall 2022.  More information on the ESIL certificate can be found at:  Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands | CU Denver College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (ucdenver.edu).  Questions about the ESIL certificate can be directed to Timberley.Roane@ucdenver.edu