The Department of Integrative Biology and Dr. Diana Tomback were excited to host a Meet & Greet on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd for Mr. Mike Phillips, Director of the Turner Endangered Species Fund and Author of The Wolves of Yellowstone. Mr. Phillips was also the guest lecturer for the Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecture Series, presented by the Damrauer Lectureship Fund, that same evening. The CU Denver Biology Club also hosted a “film fest and Q&A” with Mr. Phillips on Thursday, Oct. 24th, and he will be our guest speaker today, Oct. 25th, for the 2019 Fall Seminar Series.
It has been an exciting and informative three days for us, getting the chance to hear Mr. Phillips speak about his participation in the reintroduction of wolves to Colorado. For more information about Mr. Phillips and the seminar today, please click here. The seminar is open to everyone who would like to attend.