PBHL 2052 Global Demography and Health (3 credits) with Ivan Ramirez examines current issues in population growth, fertility, mortality and migration in the USA and globally. Introduces students to the basic tools of demography and encourages them to think critically about the causes and consequences of population change. June 7-July 31 (Online).
PBHL 3010 Human Sexuality and Public Health (3 credits) with Monica Adams focuses on human sexuality using a public health lens, examining a number of sexual health issues and their relationship to individual, familial, organizational, and social-level influences. Identifies both primary prevention and intervention approaches to reducing sexual risk factors and increasing healthy behaviors. June 7-July 31 (Online).
PBHL 4200 The Global HIV/Aids Epidemic (3 credits) with Petros Vilakati provides a foundation for a critical analysis of HIV/AIDS in global context, concerning topics such as disease, the body, ethnicity/race, gender, sexuality, risk, addiction, power, and culture together with a set of ethnographic texts that explore the epidemic’s impact. June 7-July 31 (Online).