About Us
Lab Director
Graduate Students
Professional Research Assistants
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology
Campus Box 173, PO Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Jennifer Burns, BS Honors 2015, Clinical Graduate Program, University of Texas, Houston
Sofiya Fedynska, BS Honors 2015, CU Medical School
Anais Sanchez, BS Honors 2015, CSU Vet School
Nathan Gray, BS 2016
Tony Nicastro, BS Honors 2016
Courtney Bouchet, MS 2017, PhD, Oregon Health Science University, Postdoctoral trainee, Colorado State University.
Caroline Farmer, BS 2017, medical school.
Holly Hake, BS 2017, PhD, University of Washington. Postdoctoral trainee, University of Washington.
Brian Lloyd, BS 2017, CU Medical School MD/PhD program
Megan Minor, BS 2017, Biomedical Sciences Master's Program, Liberty University
Mykola Ostrovskyy, BS 2018, Dental school
Oluwatosin Ibrahim, BS 2018, Professional research assistant, CU Denver, Anschutz medical campus
Jazmyne Davis, BS 2019, Professional research assistant
Jennifer Jaime, BS 2019, PhD, University of Michigan, Postdoctoral trainee, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus.
Nicolette Moya, BS 2019, PhD candidate, Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University
Abigail Smith, BS 2019, Postbac program, National Institute of Drug Abuse
Aleezah Balolia, BS 2021, PhD candidate, Neuroscience Program, CU Denver, Anschutz medical campus
Troy Hubert, BA Honors 2021, PhD candidate, Clinical Health/Neuropsychology Program, University of Kentucky
John Wiseman, BA 2021, PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology Program, Boston University
Rebecca Han, BS 2023, PhD candidate, Neuroscience Program, University of California San Diego
Nadja Brown, BS 2023, PhD candidate, Neuroscience Program, Georgia State University
Miles Dryden, BS 2024, PhD candidate, Neuroscience Program, Vanderbilt University
Lab News
Minan Abdin, Maliyah Gallien, Maria Londono, Filsan Mawlid, and Aaliyah Valdez are awarded EURECA research grants.
Alyssa Hohorst and Margaret Tanner both win "best poster" awards at the National Conference of Women's Health and Sex Differences annual meeting.
Maria Londono and Remla Abdul are awarded EURECA research grants.
Simone Mellert is awarded a travel award from the Society for Neuroscience to attend the annual meeting in Chicago.
Maliyah Gallien was awarded a McNair research scholarship and presented her work at the CU Denver Summer Research Symposium.
Miles Dryden wins the CU Denver Psychology Nell Fahrion award.
Sachiel Oberto wins the undergraduate poster award at the annual Rocky Mountain chapter meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Colorado Springs, CO.
Dr. Margaret Tanner wins the "best poster" award at the Women's Health Research Symposium, sponsored by the Ludeman Family Center for Women's Health Research at the CU Anschutz medical campus.
Alyssa Hohorst is awarded a travel award from the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences to attend the organization's annual meeting in Bergen, Norway.
Juliet Freund, Sachiel Oberto, and Ione Larson are awarded EURECA research grants to fund their projects in the lab.
Kamryn Korth is awarded the 2024 Psychology Undergraduate Research Grant from the Department of Psychology at CU Denver
Margaret Tanner is awarded a pilot grant from the Colorado Nutrition and Obesity Research Center to study whether wheel running is a habitual behavior
Margaret Tanner wins the Florence P. Haseltine Best Poster Award at the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences annual meeting
Lareina Alverez is accepted into the summer undergraduate research training program at Johns Hopkins
Miles Dryden is accepted into the summer undergraduate research training program at NYU
Miles Dryden is awarded a 2023 Samuel Priest Rose scholarship AND the 2023 Psychology Undergraduate Research Grant from the Department of Psychology at CU Denver
Remla Abdul and Carolina Sanchez Mendoza are awarded EURECA research grants!
Remla Abdul wins "best undergraduate poster" award at the Front Range Neuroscience Group annual meeting
Nadja Brown wins the first place poster award at the CU Anschutz Nutrition and Obesity Research Center conference
Lareina Alvarez and Miles Dryden are awarded EURECA research grants!
Nadja Brown wins a travel award to attend SACNAS 2022 in Puerto Rico.
Alyssa Hohorst successfully defends her Master's degree thesis!
Dr. Margaret Tanner successfully defends her dissertation!
Margaret Tanner wins the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student award!
Rebecca Han is awarded a Samuel Priest Rose scholarship!
Undergraduate students Rebecca Han and Maggie Price are awarded EURECA research grants!
Esteban Loetz is featured in CU Denver Dean's notes!
Nadja Brown is awarded a 2021-2022 EUReCA research grant!
Nadja Brown wins third place for her presentation at the CU Denver Diversity in Academic Research Expo
Nashra Jamil is awarded a 2021 UROP
Kelsey Abrams is accepted into the Summer Research Training Program at Anschutz Medical Campus
Aleezah Balolia is accepted into the Summer Research Training Program at Anschutz Medical Campus
Nashra Jamil is accepted into the Summer Research Training Program at Creighton University
Troy Hubert successfully defends his honors thesis and graduates Summa Cum Laude
Nashra Jamil and Troy Hubert are selected for oral presentations at the CU Denver Research and Creative Activities Seminar
Troy Hubert wins the "People's Choice" award for his presentation at the CU Denver Research and Creative Activities Seminar
Nashra Jamil is awarded a fall 2020 mini-UROP
Nashra Jamil is named an NIH MARC U-STAR scholar
Nashra Jamil is awarded a spring and summer EUReCA! fellowship
Troy Hubert is awarded a spring and fall EUReCA! fellowship
John Wiseman is awarded a travel grant to attend the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science.
Abigail Smith is admitted to the post-bac research training program at NIDA
Jazmyne Davis wins second place and Nicolette Moya wins an honorable mention in the poster competition at the annual CU Denver Research and Creative Activities Symposium
John Wiseman is named an NIH MARC U-STAR affiliate
Jazmyne Davis, River Wood, John Wiseman, Alyssa Hohorst, Kimberly Campos, Kelsey Bonar and Aleezah Balolia all win 2019 UROP grants
Abigail Smith and Aleezah Balolia win EUReCA! travel awards to present their research at Experimental Biology
John Wiseman and Aleezah Balolia win undergraduate poster awards at Front Range Neuroscience
Aleezah Balolia wins first place in the neuroscience division for her poster presentation at the annual SACNAS meeting
Nicolette Moya and Aleezah Balolia are awarded NIH Undergraduate Student Training in Resarch (T34) fellowships
John Wiseman wins a EUReCA! research fellowship
Jazmyne Davis wins a EUReCA! research fellowship
John Wiseman, Nicolette Moya, Jazmyne Davis and Jennifer Jaime are awarded 2018-2019 UROP grants
Margaret Tanner presents in the Regis University Department of Biology Colloquium series
Jennifer Jaime wins Best Undergraduate Poster award at the 2017 Front Range Neuroscience meeting
Nicolette Moya is awarded a summer HHMI EXROP grant to study in Erik Kandel's laboratory
Holly Hake is accepted into the NIH post-baccalaureate program at NIDA
Margaret Tanner wins Best Poster award at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology conference
Jennifer Jaime presents in the UCD Department of Psychology Colloquium series undergraduate data blitz
Holly Hake and Jennifer Jaime are awarded a 2018 APA undergraduate research grant