Course Syllabi
Students can access their course syllabi on Canvas or they will receive a copy from their Instructors on the first or second day of classes. The syllabus states the course policies, class requirements, learning outcomes, and grading procedures. The Instructors will also indicate his/her email address, office number, and office hours.
Skills Classes
Students who pass a skills class but fail another class in their level, will be required to retake Grammar, Listening/Speaking, Reading, and Writing, but may take a different skills class.
A copy of the final transcript will be sent to each student’s embassy or sponsor, where applicable.
Academic Progress
F-1 students are required to make academic progress in order to stay in status. Academic progress is defined as completing assigned work on-time; actively participating in class; and attending classes regularly. If a student does not meet any of the aforementioned requirements, s/he may be placed on Academic Probation. If a student is placed on probation for any reason, a Letter of Probation detailing the terms, length, details, and consequences of the probation will be given both to the student and to the student’s sponsor (if applicable). In addition, if a student fails two or more classes, s/he will be placed on Academic Probation and will have to retake all of the courses again; if the student fails to pass any class the second time, s/he will immediately be dismissed. A student who fails one class must go through an appeal process to see if they will repeat and therefore be put on Academic Probation, or continue to the next level.
Academic Dismissal
If a student does not meet any of the requirements within the specified period of time during the academic probation period, s/he may be dismissed and unable to enroll in subsequent terms. Students who do not meet the objectives of the class the first time are eligible to repeat the same level once. If a student does not meet the class outcomes a second time, s/he will be dismissed from the ESL Academy.
New Students
During orientation days, students will be taken by a Student Assistant to the campus book store to purchase textbooks for the term. Books are required for the first day of classes. Students who have not purchased the required texts for class may be dismissed by their Instructors and not allowed to return until books have been bought.
Continuing Students
Returning or continuing students will receive a book list on the last day of classes (registration and graduation day) prior to the following term. Students must have all the required books on the first day of classes. Students who have not purchased the required texts for class may be dismissed by their Instructors and not allowed to return until books have been bought.
University of Colorado Denver
Academic integrity (honesty) means that cheating or plagiarizing homework, quizzes or exams is not permitted. A student must also not help others to cheat or plagiarize. In short, do not copy and paste text found on the Internet or any other source into written work without referencing the source. All students must write their own assignments. Only an Instructor should edit written work. If there are any questions or concerns about what constitutes plagiarism, speak to an Instructor or the Director. The Academy follows the university’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Penalties for Violation
If a student is caught unintentionally plagiarizing, s/he will be sent to the Director for a verbal warning. A second violation (intentionally plagiarizing) will result in the student being placed on Academic Probation. A third violation will result in immediate dismissal. If a student is caught cheating or intentionally plagiarizing, s/he will immediately be placed on Academic Probation. A second violation will result in immediate dismissal. If a student feels that s/he has been treated or evaluated unfairly by an Instructor, s/he should speak to the Director.
If a student is not in class at the scheduled start time, s/he will be marked tardy.
If a student is more than 10 minutes late or leaves class for any period longer than 10 minutes, s/he will be marked absent.
Attendance is recorded daily in Canvas.
Students must attend the class for the full 20 hours per week to maintain good standing and remain lawfully in F-1 status.
If a student has 3 absences in any 1 class, s/he will receive a warning. If a student has 6 absences in any 1class s/he may be dismissed from the ESL Academy. Medical or emergency absences must be approved by the Director and require a note from a doctor.
- All new students will take a writing and speaking placement test along with the Accuplacer® test to determine initial placement at the ESL Academy
- No level promotions will be made until Friday of week 1.
- In the first week of classes diagnostic tests will be given to all students. Students who exceed the level objectives will be considered for a level promotion.
- A student may challenge his placement; however, s/he must demonstrate ability to function at the next level in all skill areas in order to be moved up.
- It is the policy of the ESL Academy that if a student fails one class, he or she must repeat the entire level. This is because the curriculum is criterion-based and a student will not be permitted to move to the next level if s/he lacks proficiency in a discreet skill area.
- A student may submit an appeal in which case a committee will reevaluate the decision.
- Recommendations for promotion to the next level must be unanimous from the section Instructors.
- The Director or Academic Manager will avoid overriding promotion decisions.