Sociology News

photo of jennifer reich

How Abortion and Vaccine Rhetoric Collide in ‘My Body, My Choice,’ from Jennifer Reich

July 14, 2022

Republican leaders started arguing against vaccine mandates when COVID vaccines were still only theoretical, said Sociology Professor Jennifer Reich. They gained traction despite an obvious inconsistency: Often, the same people who oppose vaccine requirements — arguing that it's a matter of choice — are against abortion rights. Vaccination didn’t used...

Read more about How Abortion and Vaccine Rhetoric Collide in ‘My Body, My Choice,’ from Jennifer Reich

photo of esther sullivan

Esther Sullivan on the Impact of Rent Hikes on Mobile Home Owners

June 16, 2022

“Almost across the board, park residents are renting the land under their homes,” said Sociology Associate Professor Esther Sullivan , whose work focuses on mobile homes. “So a missed lot payment puts not only their housing at risk, but can also wipe out their accrued wealth." ‘We’re all afraid’: Massive...

Read more about Esther Sullivan on the Impact of Rent Hikes on Mobile Home Owners

photo of jennifer reich

Abortion Ban Impacts Will Extend to Men Says Jennifer Reich

June 16, 2022

One of the few social scientists who has conducted research on adult men involved in abortions is Professor of Sociology Jennifer Reich. “Everybody benefits when individuals can control their own reproduction, but the benefit can be invisible for cis men since they don’t absorb the risks of pregnancy and it’s...

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photo of adam ippert

Adam Lippert’s New Research on Health Impacts of Student Loan Debt

May 11, 2022

Student loan debt is correlated with poor physical and mental health, according to new research published by Assistant Professor of Sociology Adam Lippert and his colleagues in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine , “ Student Debt and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among U.S. Adults in Early Mid-Life .” It is...

Read more about Adam Lippert’s New Research on Health Impacts of Student Loan Debt

photo of esther sullivan

Esther Sullivan on Housing Market Impacts for Mobile Home Residents

April 14, 2022

During the pandemic, amid sickness and job losses, mobile home park residents also have grappled with rent hikes or revisions of their leases, often with little help from state laws. “There’s basically 50 different policies for how to protect residents in these parks,” said Assistant Professor of Sociology Esther Sullivan...

Read more about Esther Sullivan on Housing Market Impacts for Mobile Home Residents

photo of keith guzik

Keith Guzik OpEd Cautions against Wholesale Cancelation of Russian Culture

March 31, 2022

Associate Professor of Sociology Keith Guzik provides insight into the dangers of current reactions to Russian culture: “Whether the canceling of Russian culture is a purposeful anti-war strategy or a cathartic response against those deemed guilty by association, it is difficult to imagine a more flawed stance at this pivotal...

Read more about Keith Guzik OpEd Cautions against Wholesale Cancelation of Russian Culture

photo of esther sullivan

Bill Could Help Keep Mobile Housing More Affordable to Coloradoans According to Esther Sullivan

March 17, 2022

Colorado House Bill 22-1287 includes a slew of protections for mobile home owners and amounts to a new bill of rights for those residents. “Bills like this could strengthen, could support and grow affordable housing stock for decades,” said Esther Sullivan , Assistant Professor of Sociology, who has conducted extensive...

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Brenden Beck on Colorado and the Nation’s Violent Crime Rates

March 3, 2022

It’s not surprising that Colorado’s general crime rate trends mirror the U.S. as a whole over a few decades, said Brenden Beck, Assistant Professor of Sociology. He said factors that influence crime on a macro level such as unemployment and economic recessions tend to affect different areas at the same...

Read more about Brenden Beck on Colorado and the Nation’s Violent Crime Rates

photo of jennifer reich

Jennifer Reich Speaks to Many Dimensions of Vaccine Hesitancy

Feb. 17, 2022

As author of Calling the Shots: Why Parents Reject Vaccines, Sociology Professor Jennifer Reich has been an important resource for insight on vaccine hesitancy among parents before and during the pandemic. As hesitancy had spread to other populations, her knowledge becomes ever more valuable. Lagging COVID-19 vaccination rates for police...

Read more about Jennifer Reich Speaks to Many Dimensions of Vaccine Hesitancy

photo of brendan beck

Brenden Beck on How to Track If Race Impacts the Delivery of Victim Services

Jan. 20, 2022

Researchers are correct to caution the use of census data to determine whether victim services leaders are providing services equitably, said Brenden Beck, Assistant Professor of Sociology. A better way to determine parity, he said, is to compare how many victims of crime there were in each race in Colorado...

Read more about Brenden Beck on How to Track If Race Impacts the Delivery of Victim Services
