Support from an anonymous donor marks a milestone in the department’s ability to recruit, retain, and support talented students from diverse backgrounds
When we need a helping hand, we sometimes need to seek assistance from our local government and community. We asked a panel of experts for their ideas on how cities can provide the care that residents need and address other significant challenges.
"However, these houses are not classified as real estate but as personal property, and that means they have fewer protections,” said Esther Sullivan, an associate sociology professor at the University of Colorado in Denver and author of the book “Manufactured Insecurity: Mobile Home Parks and Americans’ Tenuous Right to Place.”...
LynxConnect and the Office of Alumni Relations is launching the Alumni-in-Residence (AIR) program to connect students with accomplished alumni for one-on-one or small group career and industry advice. Students can sign up for a 30-minute in-person or Zoom appointment in a dedicated working space to ask specific career questions or...
Assistant Sociology Professor Brenden Beck (along with coauthor Adam Goldstein) recently won the American Society of Criminology's Petersilia Award for Best Paper, for “ Governing Through Police? Housing Market Reliance, Welfare Retrenchment, and Police Budgeting in an Era of Declining Crime ” ( Social Forces , 96(3):1183-1210). The Joan Petersilia...
In the latest issue of the journal Sociological Perspectives , Assistant Professor Clinical Teaching Track, and Undergraduate Advisor to the Department of Sociology, Maren Scull expands on her previous research into sugar relationships, also known as “mutually beneficial relationships” or “sponsored agreements.” Although academics have focused on sugaring in various...
Esther Sullivan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, was one of seven faculty named by Chancellor Horrell to be the 2019 TIAA Chancellor’s Engaged Scholars.
Adam Lippert, Assistant Professor of Sociology, was one of two CU Denver faculty to be awarded the 2019 Dean’s Master’s Student Mentoring Award from the Graduate School.
Lindsey Hamilton, the Director of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities, is proud to announce the winners of the 2018-2019 Education through Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (EURēCA!) Student Travel Award. This competitive award provided up to $1500 for CU Denver undergraduates to attend a conference, meeting, or workshop to disseminate...