
photo of marty otanez

Marty Otanez on the Status of Cannabis Workers During the COVID-19 Crises

April 30, 2020

Marty Otanez, Associate Professor of Anthropology, studies labor issues within the cannabis industry. "With cannabis companies classified as 'essential services' during COVID-19 in Colorado, cannabis workers are increasingly vulnerable due to limited or inadequate protective masks and unsafe physical distancing in workplaces," Otanez said. "... A related issue is how...

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photo of lisa keranen

Lisa Keranen Quoted Extensively in Lead Article on How We Talk About Viruses

April 30, 2020

Using war as a metaphor for illness during a pandemic or global crisis is not just a contemporary occurrence. “There is an ancient and cross-cultural tendency to frame disease in terms of war,” said Lisa Keranen, Associate Professor of Communication, and a medical rhetorician who studies how we speak about...

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photo of sarah horton

Discussion of COVID-19 Impacts on Health Inequalities from Sarah Horton

April 30, 2020

As cases of COVID-19 continue to skyrocket in the United States, it is no surprise that pre-existing health inequalities are worsening. Sarah Horton, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director of Anthropology, with Whitney Duncan (University of Northern Colorado), published a blog discussing the measures required to avert a crisis in...

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photo of Amanda Weaver

Amanda Weaver on the Similarities of Composting and Traditional Human Burials

April 15, 2020

Controlled human composting would, in practice, not be far off from the same process that goes into composting animal manure or food waste. This is something many farmers and other facilities already do, according to Amanda Weaver, Senior Instructor of Geography and Environmental Sciences. A helpful way to think about,...

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photo of Charles Musiba

Meat Eating Helped Make Us Human, says Charles Musiba

April 15, 2020

A long-standing claim is that we became human when we became carnivorous-omnivorous creatures. "Meat-eating has always been considered one of the things that made us human, with the protein contributing to the growth of our brains," says Charles Musiba, Associate Professor of Anthropology. Like Being Human? Thank Meat Science 2.0 , April 8

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Photo of Adam Lippert

Adam Lippert’s Timely Commentary on Millennial Health

April 15, 2020

“Millennials are uniquely exposed to precarious conditions,” says Adam Lippert, Assistant Professor & Graduate Program Director of Sociology. “Their stress response systems are constantly in overdrive in ways previous generations may not have been.” The Millennial Guide to Maintaining Your Health 5280 , April

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photo of Andrew Friedman

Andrew Friedson Points Out the COVID-19 Impact on Local Restaurants and Government Coffers

March 30, 2020

Colorado Restaurant Association CEO Sonia Riggs said that business at most eateries was down between 20% and 50% by March 13, even before the new coronavirus restrictions — it is likely to be devastating for some businesses in the short term and transformational for some time to come. “The impact...

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photo of maren scull

Maren Scull Believes Sugar Dating is More Complicated than Money

March 5, 2020

Despite the lure of money, fancy dinners, trips or gifts, Maren Scull, Assistant Professor of Sociology Clinical Teaching Track, believes sugar dating is more complicated than money. Scull has been studying the sugar dating phenomenon since 2015 and recently published a study about it. Some students, others turn to 'sugar...

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photo of jennifer reich

More on the Mentality behind the Choice Not to Vaccinate, from Jennifer Reich

March 5, 2020

The pressure modern parents feel to make the right child-rearing decisions is just one reason some decide not to have their kids vaccinated, or to forgo certain vaccines, according to Sociology Professor Jennifer Reich. “Each decision parents make, whether it's school choice, whether it's traveling soccer teams and tutoring, whether...

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photo of brian buma

Brian Buma Researches the Timeline for Wildfires in the West and the Impact of Mudslides

March 5, 2020

After a wildfire in the West, the same terrain could burn again in as soon as 10 to 20 years, according to a new study looking at nearly 30 years of wildfires from California to Colorado – including the biggest wildfire in Colorado's history (the 2002 Hayman Fire, which burned...

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