Anthropology Spotlight

Anthropology Alumni Publish on Ancient Ostrich Egg Finds

May 11, 2022

Anthropology alumni Robert J. Diehl and Hannah M. Keller, along with Associate Professor of Anthropology Jamie Hodgkins, recently published, “ Towards an interpretive framework for heated ostrich eggshell: An actualistic study ,” in the Journal of Archeological Science Reports . Ostrich eggshells have been uncovered in ancient archaeological sites dating...

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Anthropology Students Receive Alice Hamilton Scholarship Funds

May 11, 2022

Lia Plankenhorn was awarded the Alice Hamilton Scholarship Fund to travel to Italy with Dr. Jamie Hodgkins to conduct research on material excavated from the Arma Veirana Cave site. Alongside analysis of the faunal material from this modern human site, she will be viewing similar collections housed in regional museums...

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Sarah Manassee Wins Scholarship to Continue Studies in Anthropology

April 28, 2022

Anthropology undergrad major Sarah Manassee recently won third place for outstanding academic achievement with the XLVII Senior Scholarship. The CU Denver chapter of the Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honors Society, Zeta Colorado (sponsor of the contest) was founded by Assistant Professor Anna G. Warrener in 2020 to provide scholarship and...

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Anthropology Alum Gabriella Mayne Publishes on Race, Stress, and Preterm Births

March 31, 2022

Preterm birth is a leading cause of neonatal mortality and is characterized by substantial racial disparities in the US. Despite efforts to reduce preterm birth, rates have risen and racial disparities persist. Recent Anthropology alum Gabriella Mayne and other researchers recently published "Understanding and Reducing Persistent Racial Disparities in Preterm...

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Anna G. Warrener Discusses Her Research on Bipedalism

March 17, 2022

Anna G. Warrener, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, was recently featured on the YouTube channel The Dissenter . She discusses the evolution of the human pelvis, bipedalism, and childbirth with the channel’s Ricardo Lopes.

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Charles Musiba Speaks at US/ICOMOS 2021 Symposium

Nov. 10, 2021

Anthropology Professor Charles Musiba was a recent panelist at the US/ICOMOS 2021 Symposium . The U.S. National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS) promotes the conservation of world heritage and stronger connections to the global heritage community through advocacy, education, and the international exchange of people...

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Pregnancy research on an LC-MS/MS assay from Gabriella Mayne

Oct. 13, 2021

Graduate student in Biological Anthropology, Gabriella Mayne recently published with a team, “ Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS assay for the quantification of allopregnanolone and its progesterone-derived isomers, precursors, and cortisol/cortisone in pregnancy ,” in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry . Neuroactive steroids are potent neuromodulators that play a critical...

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A Discussion of the Obstetrical Dilemma with Anna Warrener

July 21, 2021

Leakey Foundation grantee Anna G. Warrener, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, was recently featured on the Leaky Foundation Origin Stories podcast to discuss the “obstetrical dilemma.” A hypothesis that explains why babies are so helpless, and why childbirth is so difficult for humans compared to other animals, the obstetrical dilemma suggests...

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Gabby Mayne Shares After Birth Struggles in a New Digital Story

July 21, 2021

Gabby Mayne, graduate student in the Anthropology Department published in the online journal Aquifer her digital story After Birth . “After Birth” is a four-minute auto-ethnographic digital story of the birth of her second son. It details the emotional and spiritual struggles she experienced after his birth and ultimately how...

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Success at Thesis Competition Talks for Gabby Mayne

April 28, 2021

Graduate student in Biological Anthropology, Gabby Mayne, recently had great success in four different rounds of 3-minute thesis competition talks for her presentation, "Birth: What's Love Got to Do With It?" She received second place in the statewide competition of the Colorado Council of Graduate Students, after receiving 2 nd...

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