Call for Nominations for Outstanding Graduate Student Spring 2022 Due March 4

Published: Feb. 3, 2022

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is currently soliciting nominations for the Outstanding Master’s and Doctoral Student Awards. Departments may nominate one individual to a master’s category (MA/MHUM or MS/MSS/MIS) and one individual to the Doctoral category.  Nominees must be eligible to graduate this semester. Students who will graduate in spring 2022 are eligible.  Summer graduates will be eligible for the fall 2022 awards.

Nomination packets are due via email to Stephanie Santorico by 5 p.m. on March 4. Packets must include the following items in electronic form.  Paper applications will not be reviewed:

  1. A nominating letter from the department that clearly spells out why this student stands out above the norm (e.g., publications, grants, service to community or profession);
  2. A clear statement by the student detailing accomplishments and plans for the future;
  3. A current resume or curriculum vitae;
  4. A transcript;
  5. Additional supporting letters from faculty members (optional); and
  6. Where applicable, FCQs for teaching

Additional supporting letters and other materials may be included. Please be aware that this award is competitive across the College, so it would be useful if you could provide information that would help the Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) compare students in one field to students in another.  For example, if a student has a publication, you may want to include information regarding the quality of the journal; if the student has presented at a meeting or conference, you may want to explain the scope of that event (regional, national, or international).