Reminders of Who is Most Impacted by Climate Change from Catalina de Onís

Published: Nov. 25, 2021

“People on the front lines of climate chaos have long documented that Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, coastal and rural regions, and low-income and low-wealth communities are most at risk. These disproportionate impacts stem from centuries of colonial and imperial violence, neoliberal austerity measures, environmental racism, racial capitalism, and many other oppressive systems and structures that treat subjugated communities as sacrifice zones,” wrote Assistant Professor of Communication, Catalina de Onís, in this op-ed, commenting on the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26). In addition, her collaborative documentary, El poder del pueblo, was featured on Democracy Now as part of its coverage of the UN Climate Conference.

‘El Poder del Pueblo’: Puerto Rican Documentary on the Need for Environmental and Energy Justice
Latino Rebels (Futuro Media Group), Nov 4