Documenting the Ephemeral: the fragile journey stories of migrants who have crossed the Central Mediterranean and their story translation to German, Feb 25

Published: Feb. 16, 2021

10:00 AM
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Join founder of Migrants of the Mediterranean (and History Alum) Pamela Kerpius in a conversation with Gabriel Finkelstein, Associate Professor of History, as they discuss the Migrants of the Mediterranean archive of migration journey stories and their translation from English to German. Select members of the Migrants of the Mediterranean German translation team, including Cindy Renker, Senior Lecturer, University of North Texas; Hannah Holtschnieder, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, and Franziska Wolf, PhD Candidate, German Studies, University of Birmingham will also be in attendance. They will speak about key issues in translating the story archive, from race representation to verb tense, which can alter the tone and meaning of a story.

Since autumn 2016, Migrants of the Mediterranean has been documenting individual migrant journey stories for its archive (in Lampedusa, Sicily) which has been translated to Italian, Spanish (limited), and most recently to German. The aim of the translated archives to help facilitate understanding about the migration journey among European citizens who are wary of outsiders within their national borders. Migrants of the Mediterranean understands the value of people in the migrant community being seen, understood, and integrated with society, and believes its archive of journey stories are the first step in making that happen.