In September, continuing his collaboration with Aalborg University, Philosophy Professor and Chair David Hildebrand traveled to Copenhagen and Aalborg, Denmark, where he presented two papers and guest lectured. The first paper, "Pragmatist Aesthetics and the Experience of Technology" concerns the impact of mobile technology on human conversation and experience. It was presented at a conference that brought together sociologists, philosophers, and practice theorists entitled "Action as Crossing Point for Primacies of the Practical." Papers presented there are slated for a forthcoming volume with Routledge. Hildebrand's second paper, "Educating for Pluralistic Conflicts," was presented to a research group at Aalborg University. It discussed different strategies dealing with the (often) intractable disagreements that arise in a pluralistic society. Finally, his guest lecture was to an Aalborg University philosophy of science course and it concerned pragmatic construals of the important concept "objectivity."