Media Coverage about our Program:
Jay Dedrick, “CU Denver Program Helps Incarcerated Learners Reach Milestone,” CU Connections, January 6, 2023,
Jacob Carlock and Sean Mueller (two of our CU Students at Territorial), “Educating Incarcerated Individuals: An Easy Choice,” Westword, December 18, 2022,
Carie Canterbury, “Beyond Prison Walls: Offenders at Colorado Territorial Correction Facility Celebrate Accomplishments with Graduation,” Cañon City Daily Record, December 16, 2022,
Cathy Beuten, “Prison Ed Enables Former Inmates to Assimilate, Thrive in Society,” CU Regents website, October 6, 2022,
Stephen J. Hartnett, “Higher Education will Give Prisoners a Second Chance,” Denver Post, March 3, 2022,
More General Information about Higher Education in Prison and Prison Arts and Activism
Accessing Pell Grants for College Programs in Correction Settings (New York City & Los Angeles: Vera Institute of Justice, 2023),
Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (2010).
Alliance for Higher Education in Prisons; see their documents library at
Beyond the Box, 2023 (Washington, D.C.: Department of Education, 2023),
“California’s Best Practices for Students Inside Prisons,” and other related materials posted by the Michelson 20MM Foundation’s Smart Justice Think Tank,
Challenging the Prison-Industrial Complex: Arts, Education, and Activist Alternatives. Hartnett, S. J., editor. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
College in Prison: Reading in an Age of Mass Incarceration, by Daniel Karpowitz (2017).
College Inside, biweekly email newsletter + monthly print edition, published by the Open Campus group, Santa Cruz, CA,
Angela Davis, Are Prisons Obsolete? (2003).
Education Behind the Wall: Why and How We Teach College in Prison, by Mneesha Gellman (2022).
Education for Liberation: The Politics of Promise and Reform Inside and Beyond America's Prisons, by Gerard Robinson and Elizabeth English Smith (2021).
“Educational Resource Equity” tab at the Center for American Progress,
Equity and Excellence in Practice: A Guide for Higher Education in Prisons (Alliance for Higher Education in Prisons & the Prison University Project, 2019),
The Expanding Role of Colleges in Prison Education (Washington, D.C.: The Chronicle of Higher Education & Ascendium Group, 2021).
Federal Student Aid Fact Sheet, and other FAFSA information, available at
From Education to Incarceration: Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline, edited by Anthony J. Nocella II, Priya Parmar, and David Stovall (2014).
Liberating Minds: The Case for College in Prison, by Ellen Condliffe Lagemann (2017).
National Reentry Resource Center, Washington D.C.,
Pell is Not Enough; see the series of “Briefs” linked here (Salt Lake City: Research Collaborative on Higher Education in Prison, 2023),
PCARE (the Prison Communication, Activism, Research, and Education collective), “Fighting the Prison-Industrial Complex: A Call to Communication and Cultural Studies Scholars to Change the World,” Communication and Critical Cultural Studies 4 (2007): 402-420.
Prison Education Guide, by Christopher Zoukis (2016).
Proposed Best Interest of Students Metrics for Prison Higher Education (Salt Lake City: Research Collaborative on Higher Education in Prison, 2023),
“Statement on Equity,” The Aspen Institute Education and Society Program, see the “Education” tab at
Teaching on the Inside: A Survival Handbook for the New Prison Teacher, by Judith S. Myers and Patricia H. Walker (2016).
“Turning Silence into Speech and Action: Prison Activism and the Pedagogy of Empowered Citizenship,” Hartnett, S.J., and Jennifer K. Wood and Bryan McCann. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 8 (2011): 331-352.
Working for Justice: A Handbook of Prison Activism and Education. Hartnett, S. J., Wood, J. K., and E. Novek, editors. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2013.