CU Denver Psilocybin Study

selection of mushroomsPARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH ON PSILOCYBIN ('magic') MUSHROOMS USE AMONG BIPOC (black, indigenous and other people of color) AND LOW-INCOME INDIVIDUALS IN COLORADO

This ethnographic and visual anthropology study is designed to learn more about patterns of psilocybin use, stigma reduction and indigenous knowledge about psilocybin.

Complete 1 Videotaped Interview (e.g., 60 minutes) about Psilocybin Use to Improve Wellness, Address Trauma or Increase Spiritual Development in Colorado and Receive Through Regular Mail a $50.00 King Soopers Gift Card (COMIRB #22-1797). 

Criteria for participation are that you are 21-75 years of age, have used psilocybin within the past 12 months, and self-identify as BIPOC or a member of a marginalized community who is unable or uninterested to pay for a psilocybin-assisted therapy session that costs between $200 and $1,500 in Colorado.


  1. Complete the eligibility e-form

  2. After study team members confirm your eligibility, review and complete the consent e-form

  3. Schedule a time and day for an in-person videotaped interview

  4. Prior to the in-person videotaped interview, complete the recording release e-form

Contact study team members with questions or if you need additional information 

Marty Otañez, Principle Investigator, Chair and Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, University of Colorado Denver,

Mac Ervin, Research Assistant, Undergraduate Anthropology Student and Student Assistant in the Education Through Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (EURēCA!) Program, University of Colorado Denver,