Fiona Lupi-Peate

Fiona with brown hair, black denim jacket over white shirt against brick wall

Fiona has a BS in Biology from The George Washington University and is currently pursuing her masters degree in Biological Anthropology at CU Denver. She would (generously) consider herself a jack of all traits - although she could accurately be described as a hobby collector, one candle-making class short of an intervention. When she’s not diving head first into this week’s most exciting new hobby, she is likely reading a non-fiction science book or a romantasy. There is no inbetween. She believes wholeheartedly that everyone should live their life however they want, but will die on the hill that no adult human should ever wear toe socks. If you want to hear her yap, just ask her about her rock collection or her cats. 

Fiona has had her fair share of writing assignments in school from the technical and analytical stuff to the thoughtful and reflective pieces. She has also published an article for Sunday Lawn Care on how to help pollinators overwinter. Regardless of why you are looking to visit the writing center, Fiona hopes to help you become a more confident writer. She believes the most difficult thing a writer must do is find their voice. Everything after that can be workshopped.