Crysteaux Sun

Headshot of Crysteaux Sun

While her first love was English literature, Crysteaux got herself a political science degree at Middlebury College and proceeded to work as an editor and writer for entities that had nothing to do with but politics, save for a nonprofit volunteer stint here and there. One of these stints challenged Crysteaux to think she could write recipes, which ended up becoming her professional niche for many years. Fast-forward to fall 2022, and Crysteaux is back to channeling her fascination with the social sciences, as an MA candidate of marriage and family therapy at CU Denver, but she remains passionate about melding UX-friendly and journalistic writing for digital audiences.

Though she owns only one North Face product, Crysteaux takes their slogan, "Never stop exploring," to heart. She is a tourist at heart, both abroad and at home, where she enjoys discovering different trails and parks and critiquing products from local businesses, especially purveyors of coffee and ice cream. She is motivated to support others in their vision, and at the Writing Center, strives to help you discover your authentic voice.

Hear Crysteaux pronounce her name!