Lizette earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2020. Following her time at the University, Lizette dedicated her time to publishing research addressing the prevalence of infidelity within Latino subgroups. She strives to expand on the inclusion of intersectionality within couples and family research, primarily within the Latino population. Her research interests include intimate relationships, sexual intimacy, and extradyadic involvement.
Whisman, M. A., & Sanchez, L. (2024). “I know what you did”: Associations between relationship satisfaction and reported and suspected extramarital sex. Family Process.
Sanchez, L., Whisman, M. A., Hughes, J. A., & Gordon, K. C. (2022). Diversity in the prevalence and correlates of extramarital sex in a probability sample of Latino adults. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(4), 555.