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Postdoctoral Associate (2009-2012), Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
Ph.D., Psychology (2009), Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
M.A., Psychology (2006), Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
B.A., Psychology (2003), Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas.
Rinehart, D. J., Oronce, C., Durfee, M. J., Ranby, K. W., Batal, H., Hanratty, R., Vogel, J., & Johnson, T. (in press). Identifying subgroups of adult super-utilizers in an urban safety-net system: Implications for clinical practice and evaluation. Medical Care. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000628
vanDellen, M. R., Boyd, S. M., & Ranby, K. W. (2017). Successes and failures in resisting cigarettes affect partner support for smoking cessation. Psychology and Health. 32(2), 221-233. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2016.1255945
Hooker, S.*, Ross, K. M.*, Ranby, K. W., Master, K. S., Peters, J. C., & Hill, J. O.(2016). Identifying groups at risk for 1-year membership termination from a fitness center at enrollment. Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 563-568. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.10.016
Ranby, K. W. & Aiken, L. S. (2016). Incorporating husband influences into a model of physical activity among older women. British Journal of Health Psychology, 21. 667-693. doi:10.1111/bjhp.12195
Elliot, D. L., Goldberg, L., MacKinnon, D. P., Ranby, K. W., Kuehl, K. S., & Moe, E. L. (2016). Empiric validation of a process for behavior change. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and Research, 6. 449-456. doi:10.1007/s13142-015-0343-y
Ross, K., Ranby, K. W., Wooldridge, J. S.*, Robertson, C., & Lipkus, I., M. (2016). Effects of physical and mental health on relationship satisfaction: A dyadic, longitudinal examination of couples facing prostate cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 25. 898-904. doi: 10.1002/pon.3931
vanDellen, M. R., Boyd, S. M.*, Ranby, K. W., MacKillop, J., & Lipkus, I. M. (2016). Willingness to provide support for a quit attempt: A study of partners of smokers. Journal of Health Psychology, 21. 1840-1849. doi: 10.1177/1359105314567209
Carrig, M. M., Manrique-Vallier, D., Ranby, K. W., Reiter, J. P., & Hoyle, R. H. (2015). A nonparametric, multiple imputation-based method for the retrospective integration of data sets. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(4), 383-397. doi:10.1080/00273171.2015.1022641
Koval, C. Z., vanDellen, M. R., Fitzsimmons, G. M., & Ranby, K. W. (2015). The burden of responsibility: Interpersonal costs of high self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(5), 750-766. doi:10.1037/pspi0000015
Craddock, E., vanDellen, M. R., Novak, S. A., & Ranby, K. W. (2015). Influence in relationships: A meta-analysis on health-related social control. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 37(2), 118-130. doi:10.1080/01973533.2015.1011271
Wilson, S., Sikkema, K. J., & Ranby, K. W. (2014). Gender moderates the influence of psychosocial factors and drug use on HAART adherence in the context of HIV and childhood sexual abuse. AIDS Care, 26(8), 959-967. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2013.873765
Lipkus, I. M., Ranby, K. W., Lewis, M. A., & Toll, B. (2013). Reactions to framing of cessation messages: Insights from dual-smoker couples. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 15(12), 2022-2028. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntt091
Fuemmeler, B. F., Lee, C., Ranby, K. W., Clark, T., McClernon, F. J., Yang, C., & Kollins, S. H. (2013). Individual- and community-level correlates of cigarette-smoking trajectories from age 13 to 32 in a U.S. population-based sample.Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 132, 301-308. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.02.021
Drabkin, A. S., Sikkema, K. J., Wilson, P. A., Meade, C. S., Hansen, N. B., DeLorenzo, A., Kochman, A.,Watt, M. H., Aunon, F. M., MacFarlane, J. C., Ranby, K. W., & Mayer, G. (2013). Risk patterns preceding diagnosis among newly HIV-diagnosed men who have sex with men in New York City. AIDS Patient Care & STDs, 27(6), 333-341.
Ranby, K. W., Lewis, M. A., Toll, B. A., Rohrbaugh, M. J., & Lipkus, I., M. (2013). Perceptions ofsmoking-related risk and worry among dual-smoker couples. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 15, 734-738. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntr210
Sikkema, K. J., Ranby, K. W., Meade, C., Hansen, N., Wilson, P. & Kochman, A. (2013). Reductionsin traumatic stress following a coping intervention were mediated by decreases in avoidant coping for people living with HIV/AIDS and childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(2), 274-283. doi: 10.1037/a0030144
Meade, C. S., Watt, M. H., Sikkema, K. J., Deng, L. X., Ranby, K. W., Skinner, D., Pieterse, D., & Kalichman, S. C. (2012). Methamphetamine use is associated with childhood sexual abuse and HIV sexual risk behaviors among patrons of alcohol- serving venues in Cape Town, South Africa. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 126, 232-239.
Watt, M. H., Ranby, K. W., Meade, C. S., Sikkema, K. J., MacPharlane, J. C., Skinner, D., Pieterse, D., & Kalichman, S. C. (2012). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms mediate the relationship between traumatic experiences and drinking behavior among women attending alcohol-serving venues in a South African township. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73(4), 549-558.
Ranby, K. W., Boynton, M. H., Kollins, S. H., Yang, C., McClernon, F. J., & Fuemmeler, B. F. (2012). Understanding the phenotypic structure of adult retrospective ADHD symptoms during childhood in the United States. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 41(3), 261-274. doi:10.1080/15374416.2012.654465
Ranby, K. W., MacKinnon, D. P., Fairchild, A. J., Elliot, D. L., Kuehl, K. S. & Goldberg, L. (2011). The PHLAME (Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: Alternative Models’ Effects) firefighter study: Testing mediating mechanisms. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16(4), 501-513. doi: 10.1037/a0023002
Sikkema, K. J., Watt, M. H., Meade, C. S., Ranby, K. W., Kalichman, S. C., Skinner, D. & Pieterse, D.(2011). Mental health and HIV sexual risk behavior among patrons of alcohol serving venues in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 57, 230-237.
MacKinnon, D. P., Elliot, D., Thoemmes, F., Kuehl, K. S., Moe, E. L., Goldberg, L., Burrell, G. L., & Ranby, K. W. (2010). Long-term effects of a worksite health promotion program for firefighters. American Journal of Health Behavior, 34, 695-706.
Ranby, K. W., Aiken, L. S., Gerend, M. A., & Erchull, M. J. (2010). Perceived susceptibility measures are not interchangeable: Absolute, direct comparative and indirect comparative risk. Health Psychology, 29(1), 20-28.
Ranby, K. W., Aiken, L. S., MacKinnon, D. P., Elliot, D. L., Moe, E. L., Goldberg, L., & McGinnis, W. (2009). A mediation analysis of the ATHENA intervention for female athletes: Prevention of athletic-enhancing substance use and unhealthy weight loss behaviors. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 34(10), 1069-1083.
PSYC 2090, Statistics and Research Methods
PSYC 3415, Experimental Social Psychology
PSYC 4880, Directed Research
PSYC 7713, Advanced Statistics
PSYC 7710, Multivariate Statistics
PSYC 8550, Advanced Social Psychology