TA application information

Are you interested in working for the Department of Psychology as a TA?

Teaching Assistant job descriptions, hiring criteria and the email of the coordinator are found at the bottom of this page. You are encouraged to communicate with the coordinator for more information. Teaching Assistant pay starts at $3,294 for a 9 hours/per week appointment.


  • TAs must be enrolled full time for the entire semester they are employed.
  • Undergraduate (at least sophomore standing) or post baccalaureate standing in Psychology
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Psychology Majors Get Preference
  • Applicants will be subject to a background check prior to hiring

Important notes on employment:

Teaching Assistant appointments are for students currently enrolled in an approved undergraduate or graduate program.  Prior to assuming your job duties, you will be required to provide proof of enrollment in an undergraduate or graduate program to your employing department.  If your enrollment status changes, please notify your department and supervisor immediately.  Your enrollment status is subject to verification at any time.  If you are found to not be actively enrolled, your appointment could be subject to immediate termination.  Students must be making satisfactory academic progress towards their degree to be eligible for a TA position.

Students may work a maximum of 25 hours per week or 50 hours total per biweekly payroll period during the fall and spring semesters, provided that no single week in that period exceeds 40 hours.  Work hour limits apply to all positions held at CU combined.  You must disclose to your employing department any other employment you have with the University of Colorado.


The application process is open all the time.  During the Spring semester, applications are for the following Fall semester.  During the Fall semester, applications are for the following Spring semester.  Faculty start to approach potential TAs in the second half of the semester in which they apply (Spring for Fall employment, Fall for Spring employment), so please submit your application early.  Applications received in the summer break may used for last minute changes to the Fall semester.  Applications received during the winter break will be considered for the next Fall semester.

The application form can be downloaded here: TA application form

As students must be enrolled in the semester in which they will work for the Department of Psychology, potential TAs must reapply for each semester they want to be considered.  To keep applications current and to protect student data, applications will be deleted at the end of each semester.

TA applicants:

Applications will be reviewed by the coordinator in collaboration with Psychology faculty.  If your application is chosen to advance, you will receive an email to set up an interview with the coordinator and Psychology faculty for the TA position.

TAs must attend TA orientation scheduled during the first or second week of the semester.

TAs must complete all mandatory on-line courses by the end of the first week of the semester.

TAs must view all mandatory on-line recordings of training sessions by the end of the first week of the semester.

Completed Applications are emailed to the coordinator, David.Albeck@ucdenver.edu

Please communicate with the coordinator to verify that they received your emailed application.  If you do not receive an email receipt, please email again to make sure it was received.

As a TA for Introductory (General) Psychology, you’ll be performing the following duties...

  • Work closely with the professor teaching your section of General Psychology
  • grade assignments and/or exams in coordination with and under the supervision of your professor
  • answer student e-mails and/or hold weekly office hours
  • Assist in collecting Pre/Post test assessment data
  • Help your professor in completing sundry course related tasks as needed
  • Occasionally helping professors and TAs teaching other General Psychology sections as needed

The ideal candidate for General Psychology 1 & 2...

  • an interest in teaching and helping other students learn
  • have earned an A or B in General Psychology and one or two Psychology courses
  • have an overall GPA for 3.0 or higher
  • be friendly, patient and approachable

Please contact the Psychology Department Teaching Assistant coordinator:

David.Albeck@ucdenver.edu  for more details.