Colin Jenney, Ph.D.

CJ Headshot
Bachelor's in Psychology Program

Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology 
Campus Box 173, PO Box 173364 
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Physical Location:
North Classroom Building
1200 Larimer Street
Room 4027 (4th floor)


Office Hours:
Check syllabus or contact me to make an appointment

B.S. – University of Texas at Arlington

M.S. – University of Texas at Arlington

Ph.D. – University of Texas at Arlington

Dr. Jenney is a full-time instructor with the department of Psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. He teaches undergraduate courses in introductory Psychology and statistics. Dr. Jenney’s Ph.D. specialized in experimental Psychology in the areas of health, neuroscience, and social, including research on the topics of disease and health outcomes regarding stress, exercise, and social influences.

Dr. Jenney is a safe space advocate and mentor for students. His personal interests include rock music, cars, hiking and being outdoors with his family, as well as video games with his kids.

PSYC 1000 – Introduction to Psychology I

PSYC 2090 – Statistics & Research Methods