When asked to reflect on her time at CU Denver, Kezia mentions her move from UNC as being beneficial. "Before attending CU Denver, I was at UNC and experienced some racism on campus, so I chose CU Denver because I felt it was more diverse and closer to home," Kezia explains her decision to attend the university. She initially pursued nursing but discovered her true passion in Political Science after dabbling in paging. "I felt it was a better fit for me".
Kezia expanded her studies at CU Denver with a public policy specialization and an international studies minor, which expanded her grasp of global challenges and policy dynamics.
Her participation in the CU at the Capitol program was unique. "Before, I wasn't involved in any other groups besides the CU at the Capitol program. "This allowed me to get the job," Kezia says. despite arriving mid-session, her internship with Jennifer Bacon resulted in a significant role as a legislative aid. "It was a little bit of a learning curve, but I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity if it wasn't for the program."
Kezia credits much of her career path to her time in CU Denver's Political Science program. "The program exposed me to a lot," she explains. Serving as a representative for Jennifer Bacon and the black caucus, The internship opportunity pushed Kezia into very important responsibilities.
Kezia gives advice to current and future students: "The most important thing is to talk to your professors." Mentors such as Tony, Glenn Morris, and Karen Breslin helped her navigate CU in the Capitol and prepare for law school applications. "I will be attending law school in August," Kezia states. "I wouldn't have gotten all my applications and letters of recommendation put together if it weren't for the professors I met while at CU Denver."